Five Things

Mar 18, 2014 08:01

1. I can listen to audio fantasy I probably wouldn't read, at least in the car. Commuting boredom wins out. I am about 5 discs (out of 36!) into Branford Sanderson's The Way of Kings. Cause this person is the main guest at Balticon this year and I'd never heard of him. It's not a bad book though I was laying odds at the beginnings how many chapters we'd get through before there was mention of a female type person. Also audio fantasy is hard for me as I can't picture the made-up words. I'm very text-visual in my reading apparently. So many races, so many animals, so many thrown in words for ambiance. Now that we've gotten to the female characters I like them all right. We'll see how it goes.

2. My insomnia doesn't recognize DST time. Or at least we're in the changeover period. I keep waking up at 3:30 instead of 2:30 am. It's tiring me faster this time as well. Must be my advancing age :) I had my first asthma attack in my sleep a few days ago; that's a scary thing waking up and having trouble breathing.

3. I keep poking at a triple crossover story that amuses me.

4. I have booked flights for #2 and myself to Florida in May. My parents have a timeshare condo the 19th week of the year. #1 and R can't get away from work/school. My youngest sister hasn't seen #2 since he was in diapers and I would like her to know him better. I have seen her kids slightly more recently (two years ago in Florida, one year ago Christmas in WV). They're growing up so fast. Should I risk my Nook at the beach? Or should I invest in paper for what I fondly imagine will be hours listening to waves, baking in the sun (under an umbrella, I'm not a tanner but a burner) and reading.

5. Things I'm watching include:

S2 Jericho. Currently stalled cause the jingoism is depressingly familiar. And only a few more episodes :(  I bought the DVDs for the extras.
En Ami (X-Files) which was filmed so prettily I may watch it again.
S2 Fringe. I can't remember the last episode we just watched. That is not a good sign.
This season's Elementary. Better than last season! Except for the last episode (Corpse de Ballet). The Moriarty one was good twisty fun except for the main plot.
SHIELD. Worser and worser, although improved by Sif and less Skye. I am not believing anyone's motivations any more, except maybe Simmons. Ripper Street. Only the first episode so far though it was a corker. Got to explain 'phossy jaw' to #1.
Perception and Rizzoli and Isles are distractions. Criminal Minds was a waste last week, filmed jerkily and so dark you couldn't see what was happening. Not scary, guys, just who cares. Also Morgan is an exercise sadist which I'm not surprised at but don't find amusing. At all.

And that's all she wrote. 6 inches of snow on St. Patrick's Day! Dreading a morning meeting. Getting in late cause R had an early meeting. Paperwork and setting up for next week is on the menu for today.

And coffee, cause this insomnia is kicking my ass.

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teevee, vacations or something like it, health, family, writing, work

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