I find New Year's a fairly melancholy holiday. The endless lists, the resolutions, the obituaries, the memory of those lost, the unfilled dreams. This year I'm hosting a party for my teenage son, three male friends and one girl friend. That is, girlfriend. Whoa. It's been fun planning but I'm fighting off a reaction to vaccinations I got Monday...at least I think that's what's giving me the aches and the slight fever.
#2 is hiding in his room with his laptop watching YouTube vides of Skylanders and Minecraft. The teens will be downstairs with the fire and the tv. We are having fondue, cheese and then chocolate, which will be consumed upstairs in the kitchen because hot. I did my usual buying of enough food for a Marine platoon. Which is getting closer to an accurate amount now! There are also meatballs and mozarella bites and chips and dip and salsa. There is soda and sparkling cider and juice for the toasts. There are horns and noisemakers and those little bottles that pop confetti everywhere.
R is in Ohio with his Dad. My mom is waiting up alone, but #2 and I will call her at midnight, then I am going over to see her Saturday thru Wednesday (with Sat and Wed being travel days). She's getting better, slowly but steadily. I will take her to the wound clinic and get their advice on the next big trip to OSU Medical Center, due up in late Jan, early Feb. I stayed home from work today but will have to run in tomorrow. Trying to get one experiment done before I leave, and set up more for my assistant.
I always toast lost friends and relations on New Year's Eve, and I will do that again. But it will be hard to be melancholy with riotous teenagers downstairs-- the noisy hope-filled clamour of the young. In between lobbing snacks downstairs I will finish re-reading The Hobbit and watch more of S2 Once Upon a Time, which I am enjoying immensely. All my favorite tales and people re-imagined in twisty and intriguing ways.
A toast to you and yours. Enjoy the evening, and begin anew tomorrow.
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