Characters Meme, Part 1: Delenn

Apr 30, 2013 19:14

kungfuwaynewho , who asked for Delenn, the obvious choice.

1. Do you love/hate/don’t feel strongly about this character?

Love, obviously. My first sporadic watching of B5 I quite liked first season Delenn but loathed her change in the beginning of season two. I felt they were ditching the intriguing alien in favor of adding a more attractive love interest for the new captain. Who I also disliked intensely. I wasn't fond of Michael O'Hare but liked the character of Sinclair. Boxleitner/Sheridan seemed like a crass marketing move to make the show more Hollywood.

Back to Delenn. Upon re-watch I found the metamorphosis more in keeping with the series (likely because I'd SEEN more of the series) and found great delight in trying to make scientific sense of it. Her sense of isolation and painful adjustment to her new self I found compelling. Her gradual realization of her growing affection for Sheridan I found both believable and absorbing.

Oh, there was the whole Shadow war and Alliance thing too. Awesome.

2. What’s your favorite trait of this character?

Her compassion.

3. What’s your favorite moment/event involving this character?

When she submitted to the inquisitor, showing her hesitation and insecurity, but doing it anyway. And when she admits her doubts to Sebastian, surprising even that jaded torturer, and at the end, when she finally conquers her fear.

“You cannot touch me. You cannot harm me. I am not afraid.”

4. If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be?

Her ability to see the good in people, all sorts of people.

5. Have you ever pictured this character naked?

yes, yes I have

6. When did you fall in love/hate with this character? If you don’t have any strong feelings toward them, why not?

When she went into isolation with the doomed Markabs. Brave little soul, with her little case of supplies, doing what was right, potentially sacrificing her own grand plan and sense of destiny to help others who deserved, no demanded, compassion. The Markabs were one of the few races who sided with the Minbari against the Shadows in the first Great War, and I do think she felt some sense of noblesse oblige. Which takes away a bit from the purity of her action but not from the bravery of it.

Did the Shadows infect the Markabs with Drafa in revenge or as a preemptive strike? *idea!*

7. Who’s your OTP for this character, if any?

John Sheridan. I can pair her with others; Susan, Anna, Sinclair, and believe intently in the pairing. But I draw hearts around their names in sparkle glitter, I can't help it.

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    delenn, b5, meme

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