Voted Today

Nov 02, 2012 09:47

It's been such a very long election season here in the US of A, and I'm kind of glad (if also slightly terrified) that it's coming to an end.

For the first time in my life, or maybe the second, I was pleased to vote. I enjoyed voting for Hillary Clinton in the 08 primary cause I like and admire her, and would be very proud to see an American female president before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

But today...well, I liked voting for Obama. Wasn't a fan last time but he's grown on me. We disagree on some things but he's a responsible adult. I like my senator okay, and I liked his goofy campaign. I like my new incumbent representative, even if I (may) have her only due to post-census gerrymandering. I liked voting for our state version of the Dream Act. I liked voting for marriage equality. I liked that a lot. I liked voting against the expansion of gambling. I'd rather support government services with taxes than dicey entertainment choices. Besides they ran a bash West Virginia campaign. Sorry guys, conflicting loyalties there.

I liked standing in line with the broad variety of folks who came out to early-vote on a chilly Friday morning. I liked the kindly and polite and competent retirees manning the polls. I liked watching them usher in older voters to give them a seat in the warm lobby while they awaited their turn. I liked that they allow nurses and EMTs and such to jump line. But not the yoga instructor who asked :) I liked being asked my name and address, my middle initial, my day and month of birth and that's all.

Now off to guest read some Greek myths for #2's class, then to work. I've wasted my morning writing time, but I had a very good opening day for NaNo so I'm not too worried. There will probably be some down time at work today (Shh. Don't tell.) and R and #2 will be gone all day tomorrow, touring the White House with the Scouts. #2 says he would faint with excitement if he met the President and got to shake his hand.

No, that's not a tear in my eye, dammit.

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elections, politics, school, nano

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