We are watching Lost. I bought my parents a Netflix subscription and gifted them with my old Roku box. It was one of the original models so unfortunately doesn't support closed captioning. That's a shame given my dad's partial deafness.
I loved this past week's Warehouse 13. My poor Leena. And poor Artie. Not sure how they are going to resolve it, but can't wait to see. Trying to stay up and watch Haven tonight, although the Lost marathon may preclude it. S'alright. It's being recorded. Missed Criminal Minds too, but got a few texts from #1 at home. He is excited.
West Virginia is my past and my present. Mom maybe be coming back for a visit; it's up in the air. I wish I had a bathroom on the lower floor of my suburban split level. It would make things easier. There are so many things to discuss, and so little time. The one thing I find myself consistently wishing for is more time.
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