this day is all days

Sep 11, 2012 20:20

I'm exhausted and watching British crime procedurals on Netflix.

Touching Evil. I quite fancy Robson Green. Loved him in Wire in the Blood. Accompanied by Trader Joe's Toasted Coconut Thin cookies and red wine.

Work at 6:30 am
Paperwork and prep
Long experiment in the stress position, 10am to 2pm
Picked up #2 at school
Took him home, fed him,  picked up #1
Took #1 to doctor's appointment. I am getting him the HPV vaccine to protect future potential daughters-in-law :)
Wrote a grand total of three sentences on Shine. Delenn is making up to Susan and this is a J/D piece, damn Minbari flirting wench.
Dropped off #1 at old after school program to reminisce
Went to grocery store
Got gas
Picked up #1
Took him home, picked up #2
Got new tap shoes for #2
Drove home
Went through mail, checked #2's homework, started him up on Club Penguin, did Cyber Security worksheet from school with him (4th grade, sheesh)
Put new registration sticker on car
Filled out paperwork for background check so I can supervise 4th graders on a field trip in October
Signed up for meeting re field trip next week at school
Cooked two more dinners (#1 and R had sloppy joes, I made eggplant lasagna with hot peppers for myself)
Made snack for #1
Put away laundry
Ate dinner
Cleaned up kitchen
Saw #1 and R off to #1's dance class (hip hop)

And we're back to tv, wine, and posting.

Apparently today, 9/11, is now Patriot Day. I must have missed the memo. I prefer Patriot's Day in April myself.
I may not finish this episode. It's about euthanasia, I think. I sometimes think I could use me some of that. They're pushing some suspect to near suicidal despair. God, there's quite a lot of bleach in the background of this scene.

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parenting, school, tv, family, writing

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