Car is back in order with minimal disruption, but my long drawn out experiment did not go as planned which has me Bummed. Out.
So I went to thinking about things that have made me laugh lately and decided to clear out some links I'd been meaning to post.
Did you all see this graphic, posted on George Takei's Facebook page (one of the few reasons for FB to exist IMO)? I gakked it from talldarkandquirky's
Next have a recipe, from
smitten kitchen, for awesome blueberry muffins. I'm using plain greek yogurt in many things these days.
Yum. The lemon zest was really the bomb.
Lastly, have you seen
Wenlock and Mandeville, the mascot-toy-things designed to represent the London Olympics? Via
Charlie Stoss, the true horror revealed. (Be sure and click through to read the one-star reviews on Amazon UK--they are a hoot.)
Be seeing you...
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