In Falling Towards Apotheosis, we have the end of Bad!Kosh, with the little convo between Delenn and Lorien over John's (dead) body. Then we have the Big Reveal of Fairly Imminent Death in Sheridan's quarters. So, how long is the question now, as it was the question then. That is, how long between those two scenes? Minutes, hours, a day?
I am approaching difficult straits in the Delenn/Anna AU cause so much of what happened is not gonna happen. What does happen Anna sees in reflection, in how the others treat her and talk to her, in what they say and don't say. And they by no means tell her everything. It's very interesting to look at things this way.
Also, as an aside, when do you think John bought that ring? He's not going to propose in this au because married. But he might have bought the ring.
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