being a somewhat personal review of Criminal Minds 'Epilogue'

Nov 03, 2011 12:38

Much of the episode that didn't deal with Rossi's decision and Carolyn's fate is already fading. The crimes and unsubs are starting to echo and it's wise of the writers to use that rhythm to explore the main characters. The puzzle and the chase are such a small part of this show for me.

When the team circled Rossi, probing his unusual behavior, profiling him although they've all sworn not to do that, it felt like a group of predators slowly moving inward, trapping him with words meant to force revelations. Though whether it was a circle of concerned friends or a tightening noose depends on your perspective. Rossi has a decision to make, whether to assist in his ex-wife's suicide or not. He is a Catholic, a religious man, and a man of deep principles. He spends his life and has sacrificed his future in the pursuit of life; whether to save it or prevent the future loss of it.

My feeling is that Rossi was leaning towards helping Carolyn at the end of the last episode. Then he backed away, or substituted his own version of help--helping her through it, helping her find another way. When it came right down to it, I suspected he would not be able to help her die. Most degenerative diseases are horrible; but the ones that leave your mind intact are possibly the worst. I give Rossi due credit for putting off the 911 call, and just holding on to Carolyn, while at the same time letting her go. After what he'd just seen about the violence inherent in resuscitation, and knowing, deep down, that it would just prolong things not fix them...he was right to let her go.

The revelations from both Reid and Prentiss that they had died, and their differing experiences were profoundly moving. Reid's ability to put the experience aside as something he could not explain, and Emily's fervent wish that her experience was not what really happens, were both in character and revealing at the same time.

I don't blame Carolyn in the slightest for asking Rossi to be with her at the end.  It would be so hard to die alone, in a hotel room, with nothing beside you except memories and regrets. When she asked Rossi if 'he'd be there' I felt such a sharp pang of recognition. I knew instantly who she was talking about.

The desperate need to know that formed the unsub's pathology lies coiled within all of us. And none of us knows what we'll do at the end, unknowing and uncertain. I would like not to be alone.

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review, criminal minds

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