I am hiding out in a Starbucks, allowing a cool down period between me and #2. Note from school, homework meltdowns. I lost count at 5 meltdowns. God. I feel like I was rode hard and put up wet, as my dad would say. One bad thing after another at work, and I spent way too much time angsting over kitchen appliances, ending up back at the original decision after all that pother.
I need a mantra; something B5-ish would be good. Any suggestions? Don't go with the star-stuff speech; that one always bothers me. Delenn as a reincarnated Carl Sagan. *shiver* It has to be short or at least memorizable. I can't decide if it should be funny or inspirational. Maybe both.
In any case, after a pumpkin spice latte and a new Criminal Minds, things should look brighter. The new HVAC is working really well, by the way. The heat seems more smoothed out, more evenly dispersed. I like it.
Although I am not doing NaNo, I'm trying to write a post a day in November. This should count for tomorrow's as I've already done one today, but that would be cheating, wouldn't it? Maybe I should stick to 30 posts in November...
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