Real life is a bit...all-consuming? distracting? busy? not much fun? these days.
I am at the 'rents for a week. Then back home, but actually off to another class. And school starts next week. Then we're off to Ohio to visit the in-laws.
My resume is being burnished within an inch of its life. Networking; that is just another word for social hell. And I'm tired of traveling but don't feel much better at home. But we do what we must.
We are having the 'what to do with the parents' discussion this week. The lesser mobility within and without the house, how much assistance is needed, medical issues, etc. Finances today with my dad, and one sister to bring on board. I'm planning that to be over margaritas. Everything goes better with margaritas!
The other sister is in the middle of moving and unreachable. Not that it's ever easy to reach her. I resorted to Facebook by all that's holy. And my phone refused to send it along. *sulk*
And I need to talk with her since the parental units seem to be leaning to moving back near her. That will put a lot of the burden on her, and we need to talk. This is a long term project, I'm thinking; just because moving and selling house will take time. If that's even how we roll with this. I find it very disconcerting whenever everyone (including my parents) look to me for advice, research, decisions--to be the adult in the room.
But it's time to think of the future cause it just keeps coming at me like a slow motion tidal wave.
It's been nice to see #1 again, and he keeps sneaking hugs. I think he missed me.
I think I'm caught up with answering comments, but woefully behind on reading entries. I haven't even opened my femgen offering; revision is needed desperately but it all seems so impossible and not worth it. And I'm still typing up notes from classes and webinars this summer. I have to teach a section of a major class the 14th and the slides need revision first. The section leader didn't want to meet to discuss the class until September. That's a little last minute for me! At least I got good reviews from the students last year. Reading them felt like reading comments on a fic...a little unnerving, but I pretty much took it in stride. LJ has been good for me.
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