This is the Come At Me meme, a getting to know you kind of thing, and I was prompted by kunfuwaynewho. Five questions, five answers, and a nice break from frantic errand-running/packing duties. Tea and cupcakes next!
1. What is one of your favorite movies that would surprise someone to find out?
Shenandoah, 1965. A Civil War era family epic with Jimmy Stewart as the patriarch of a Virginia family torn apart by the war. I even like the Broadway musical adaptation and have the soundtrack on vinyl and CD.
Favorite quote:
Charlie Anderson (the father): Do you like her?
Sam (Jennie's suitor): Well, I just said I...
Charlie: No, no. You just said you loved her. There's some difference between loving and liking. When I married Jennie's mother I didn't love her. I liked her. I liked her a lot. I liked Martha for at least three years after we were married and then one day it just dawned on me I loved her. I still do...still do. You see, Sam, when you love a woman without liking her, the night can be long and cold, and contempt comes up with the sun.
Charlie spends a good deal of time talking to Martha's grave, so much that Martha becomes a character even though she is never seen, in the flesh or in flashback.
2. What's a bad habit that you don't actually care about trying to break?
*?* Most of my bad habits need broken. So I'm not sure...caffeine? Is that still bad or good for you now? Alcohol...but that's also good for you in small(ish) doses.
3. What's the cutest thing either or both of your kids have done?
On their own or prompted? Prompted I would say costumes that go together. We did Ash Ketchum and Pikachu one Halloween, and matching devils (#2 had a stubby tail and horn buds--he was just a baby) on another, and Doctor #11 and a Red Dalek this year at Balticon. On their own? There's so many...
4. What's a book you've never been able to finish, and why?
War and Peace. I don't know why. It's long and I get the characters mixed up what with names, nicknames, diminutives and patrynomics. I've started it several times, but always given up.
5. Who's your favorite Doctor?
Argh. Classic Who would be Patrick Troughton. I love that Chaplin-esque feel to his potrayal. New Who...probably David Tennant, although not when he's being emo, which is far too much of the time. I'm more about the Companions and their relationships with each other and with the Doctor than the great man himself. So I'll answer the unasked question! Donna Noble, Sarah Jane Smith, Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe Heriot, and Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart.
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