First CSA basket today, and thank god for the smaller portion option! Also the trade table! Gone are the beets and the chard! I traded for new potatoes and strawberries. I've processed most of it, but need to start cooking.
The cracky AU is 19000 words and done for now. I need to get it read/beta'd I think because there's a lot of medical hand-waving that may only make sense to me. Stephen droned on and on, but I think it makes sense. It's trying hard to become a series, darn it. Reads like it ends in the middle. I'm need to take a break! Many things to do! Also fluff to write now the angst fest is 'over'!
Doctor Who tonight. I had to filter LJ cause of the excited chatter and spoilers everywhere, and not always behind a cut. Now that we're one week behind again I can't play along. *frowns* I mean really, any post that starts 'As we all know now...' and goes on for paragraphs without a cut is a Danger!Danger! post. I've even been avoiding the trailers for this week's episode for the rest of the world, next week's for us.
I have tons of notes from Balticon that I've been meaning to write up and post, but it's been a busy week. Busy at work, and busy at home. #2 and I have had an all week Shrek-a-thon. That was fun! I have this bit of free time this morning (after leaving at 6:45 to drop #1 off at school for end of year amusement park trip, then grocery shopping, then farmer's market. All before 9 am!) R took #1 to dance practice and to get their hairs cut. I have been washing veg. And writing. And cooking. And editing. And putting off the big chores. And sorting screen caps into files labelled by season and episode so I can find them again. And putting off cleaning the house or working in the yard or any of that there stuff.
The b5 re-watch at beyond_the_rim is about to start season five. I have several favorites episodes in that season, and many more favorite moments. I've been capping for my reviews, and my good lord there are some fine Delenn and Lochley scenes in there. Delenn makes some darn goofy faces too. Lovely stuff. I may go back and do some icon'ing (if I remember how!) Also some nice Garibaldi shots. Not so many of John though. He moves around too much, and I lack the patience to slow it down to frame-by-frame. Sometimes. And at some point I actually have to watch the episodes I'm reviewing. Don't I??
Enough procrastination. Back to work.
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