shock waves

Jun 03, 2011 16:19

Shock Waves

There are always decisions to be made when a life-changing event is looming; even when it is only potentially looming. Decisions are hard to make when there are no facts and the indicators of future direction are contradictory. Preparation seems wise, but what if preparing for one thing leaves you unprotected for another? If by setting aside riches (wealth, time, experience) you lose your chance to enjoy them?

Uncertainty can lead to crimping and cramping your life into safe mode; you can't live if you're always/only anticipating life, whether it is anticipation of good or of ill.

"A coward dies a thousand deaths; a brave man dies but one." There is something to be said for not constantly and consistently expecting the worst. It is both a failing and a strength, both wisdom and folly. Is it bravery if death or loss is not anticipated? How is it brave if there is no risk?

Maybe it's better to practice acceptance.
Maybe it's better to strive for resilience.
Maybe it's better to ride the shock wave rather than to fight it.
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