....and I'm going flat out on it lately. I've blown past radar detectors, speed traps, and red light cameras.
I blew off work, both house and paying, this weekend in order to:
take my husband out to dinner (candelight, waterfront, live jazz-type dinner)
go hiking at Cunningham Falls State Park
watch maple syrup being made
buy maple syrup (yum)
sign up for summer camps and next year's after school programs
pet an alligator at summer camp sign-up
make a cake for R's birthday (chocolate almond cake with coconut icing and sliced almonds on top)
watch Z'ha'dum and Hour of the Wolf, read scriptbooks, scribble thoughts
Last week I:
attended a meeting to save the libraries
signed up #1 for a hip-hop dance class (at his request, honest)
arranged an outing for #2 and a friend to a Wimpy Kid party
rsvp'd for a swimming birthday for a friend of #2's
reserved hotels for Balticon and Maine in June
I still have to:
arrange for camp physicals
arrange for kenneling the dog in May and June
buy birthday gift for party on Sunday
write my elected officials, asking them not to close our libraries
watch more B5, scribble more thoughts
prepare for a seminar end of March (eep)
At some point:
finish S/D part 2
set up
no_shadows_fall prompt post for May
register for Balticon
Did I mention the 9 ongoing projects at work? And you noticed the lack of writing aside from scribbling? My current cunning plan is to pay for an hour of swimming after camp this summer and steal the time to write. #2 likes it, #1 is jibbing. Selfish, or self-preservational? You decide and let me know; I've got to get to work.