This has been quite a week. I woke up Sunday unable to move my neck. Regardless, I got up and walked the dog. Go me. Better Monday, worse Tuesday, then gradual recovery thru the week. Ouch. Tuesday R went to Buffalo and he had a bit of trouble with his second bone marrow biopsy; still limping a bit, and very tired from the pain. Sympathy Ouch.
I've written and re-written Reveille, and given it to three people to read. Chick Flick's last scene is added (I hope it helps) and it needs the last overhaul before posting (Yay.) I have only the germ of an idea for
femgenficathon and multiverse over at DW is opening. Gah. Meanwhile the next part of Susan&Delenn's Excellent Adventures, Quests, is starting to take form in the void. I write in dribs and drabs and late at night when I should be sleeping.
Behind now four weeks on the Babylon 5 re-watch. We are going to try a marathon to catch up this afternoon, but first R had to go in to work, then when he gets back I have to go in to're getting the picture, aren't you?
Work is slumpy right now, and we are all awaiting news of how big our pay cut will be next year, and how many days off we get in return. This is the third year of salary cuts in a row, and it's starting to sting.
I am re-reading A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs of Tarzan fame, and loving it. So retro. I think I love Dejah Thoris. I know I love John Carter. "My chieftain." "My princess." My god, I'm in a mood.
Icons this morning: the one decorating this post, three for Primeval (ok, I told you I was in a romantic mood, didn't I?) and three for R. He wants icons for his journal, and his wish is my command. Not really, but sometimes ;) The rocket car from Euclid Beach Park is an icon of his past, so it seems suitable, doesn't it?
The Primeval screencaps are courtesy of
Partial Eclipse.