Do you ever wonder....

Sep 26, 2010 08:56

....about the people that live around you?

I am reading and article about Kevin Ray Underwood (killer) and it states that he lived in an aprtment right below his victim. and this has got me to thinking about who lives around me? Are they mass murders, rapists, sociopaths? The guy that lives next to me, I am sure is a boderline line pedophile or at the very least a statory rapist, I am almost sure of it. He is in his 20's, but he is constantly parading girls in his apartment that look like they are 16 or 17. And they are not coming over for tea and cookies. It is just weird. I have just got to thinking and it makes me wish that people had a bubble above there heads displaying any adverse traits they might have, so I know to avoid them. Eh, just another random thoguht swimming through my mind.
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