Flippin stupid

May 19, 2006 00:42

If you're not married but living together and you have children, do not move to Black Jack, Mo. You're not welcome there. The law of the land in this suburb of St. Louis denies occupancy permits to families with more than one child when the two adults in the household are not legally married to one another.

The Associated Press reports that the law was recently tested when Olivia Shelltrack and Fondrey Loving, who are not married but cohabitate, moved to Black Jack with their three children. After they moved into their home, they were denied an occupancy permit. The matter was taken up by the city council this week, which rejected by a vote of 5 to 3 a measure that would have allowed them and other unmarried couples with children to live in Black Jack. Now Mayor Norman McCourt says anyone who falls into this category will face eviction.

"I'm just shocked," Shelltrack told AP. "I really thought this would all be over, and we could go on with our lives." Currently, Black Jack law prohibits more than three people from living together unless they are related by "blood, marriage or adoption." So if you only have one child, you can squeak by. But if you have two or more kids, you can't call Black Jack home.

What do you think of this ordinance in Black Jack, Mo., that prohibits unmarried couples with children from living in the town? Sound off in the Debate This! Community. http://community.netscape.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?nav=messages&tsn=1&tid=1176&webtag=ws-debate
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