As if we didnt know already

May 14, 2006 15:19

Water is good for you! So the more water you drink, the better. But as you fork over a buck or two for a bottle of water, consider this: Most bottled waters are just filtered tap water without any proven health benefits, reports USA Today.

That hasn't stopped us from chugging it down. The Beverage Marketing Corp. says sales of bottled water rose 9 percent in 2005, and this is a trend that infuriates environmentalists. After all, a natural resource has been commercialized. Still, there is no equally reliable way to measure how many of us are drinking tap water over bottled water. "We don't have anything to indicate whether tap water consumption is going up or down," Jack Hoffbuhr, executive director of the American Water Works Association, told USA Today. "We do want people to know tap water is every bit as safe as bottled water. In fact, it's tested more."

That's not to say that bottled water isn't safe. It is. But most brands do not contain fluoride, an important ingredient for dental health that has been added to tap water. And beware the newest bottled water product called "water beverages" that contain not only water, but also artificial sweeteners and calories. Examples are Pepsi's Propel Fitness Water (10 calories) and Capri Sun's Roarin' Waters Fruit Flavored Water Beverage (35 calories).

Is bottled water better than tap water? Find out the surprising answer.
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