Well, it was right where you guys said it would be. Deleted scenes. Right under 'Divination' and then 'Trelawney's crystal ball.' The whole section is actually the best section, too.
So I saw all five (five?!? not enough!) deleted scenes and all of the cast interviews and the 'making of' thingy and some other stuff. For the cast interviews, they divide the cast up and interview them, "they" meaning some English dude and . . . wait for it . . . the talking head. Gar. But guess which two men were divided up to be interviewed together, just the two of them? :D
The five deleted scenes were, erm, unmemorable. In fact, I hardly remember them. Okay, well, yes I sort of do. One was an extended scene of Harry on the Knight Bus, this time the bus spinning around in a circle. One extended scene (wait, they were almost ALL extended scenes -- not really deleted scenes) was Sir Cadogan (pronounced Ca-DOH-gan, unlike CA-do-gan like I imagined) fumbling around while people were asking to be let in, and Neville saying that he wrote the whole week's worth of passwords down. One was the Gryffindors in the common room and Ron telling McGonagall (who has laughable hair, pft) about Sirius' attack on him, and McGonagall finding out Neville lost that list, and Harry saying, "He was right next to me in the room, Hermione, and I could have killed him (Sirius, of course, not Ron)" and Hermione has these adorable little braids in her hair. One was after the first Hogsmeade weekend and Ron and Hermione telling Harry about Zonko's and stuff, except this time instead of on the stairs on the way to find the Fat Lady's painting mauled they're in the Great Hall, and Ron's like "oh, it was so great!" and Hermione kicks him under the table and Ron's like, "well, it wasn't THAT great." And the fifth one was . . . hrm. I can't even remember. Nothing to be all excited about, though, that's for sure. :( What a disappointment. Five. That sucks.
On the flip side, the cast interviews were cute and sweet. The one interviewing Slytherins (Draco, Crabbe and Goyle . . . no Pansy, for all of you Pansy fans, and surprisingly no Snape) was hilarious - Tom Felton is a real smart ass. I love him now. The "heroes" one (the Trio) was cute, the "Dursleys" one was okay but kind of boring, the "Gryffindor" one (the twins, Seamus and Neville . . . no Dean, wah) was funny and cool.
And the one where they interviewed Thewlis and Oldman? Dude, chemistry. Seriously. Slashiness abounds, I'm not kidding. And us clueless Americans (or just me) can now tell the different dialects of Thewlis and Oldman's British accents. Cool!
The bad thing about the interviews? The interviewer was uncool and eye-rollingly unfunny. The talking head made me want to puke, because the actors had to interact with it and answer it's questions and you could totally see the fake laugh that Emma Watson was doing with the 'funny' lines.
The 'making of' thing was short but pretty cool. I suppose. It had Chris Columbus talking about HIS making of experience, too. The only thing that struck a sour note in me was the way Rowling sat there with a kind of snooty expression during some parts of the video. She was very calm and cool and collected and totally didn't smile, hardly.
The 'tours' (one of Lupin's classroom and one of Hogsmeade) are always some of my least favorite things, but I took a gander. Eh. The Honeydukes one allows you extra Weasley twins, and the classroom one allows you extra Lupin. But that's about it. Kind of boring, if you ask me.
The games . . . I only played one. It's this "magic you may have missed" one under the DADA section. It shows you a scene from the movie, and then you have to answer a question about the magic that was actually shown or NOT shown, such as the guy wiping the table at the Leaky Cauldron and the bottle disappearing behind his rag. It was kind of cool.
I can't remember if I saw anything else or not, which probably means that if I did, it wasn't worth mentioning, ha! :D All in all, the movie's still maybe an 8 out of 10 for me, but the extras overall were about a 6, and that's only for the cast interviews, really.
So there you go, my highly valued opinion into the Prisoner of Azkaban DVD. *coughs* Right.
Must do
queerditch_pub drabble soon. Like, now. While I'm at work -- the perfect time!