Here is the apples and the oranges and plums, the dandelions in the sun...

Jan 02, 2012 23:16

Last day of Christmas vacation, sigh.

Really must work on that independently wealthy thing :)  I had a good day though - lounged around in bed, read, unpacked from Christmas, cleaned my bedroom & bathroom so I feel like slightly less of a giant slob.

Then we (me, roommate, J & S) went to the Botanical Gardens to see the lights on their last night up.  Of course, it's been unseasonably warm all Christmas season and we wait til the ONE cold day to go.  I put some pictures up on my tumblr, , and even more over on my facebook.

I am going to do a year-end/new-year post, I just haven't collected my thoughts yet.  Maybe next week when I'm in the hotel, if I don't get to it before then.  
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