Checking in...

Jan 01, 2012 21:12

I am curled up on the couch with my cat , watching a movie while I work on my cross-stitch project, with the other cat sitting across the way.  It feels very domestic.

I've done next to nothing all day, just recovering from my hangover from last night's festivities.  Some day I will learn not to switch alcohol types mid-stream.  It was a fun night though, and has resulted in my signing up to take a sewing class with some of the girls from tennis.  It starts next Sunday and goes through the beginning of February.

Christmas was good, but unfortunately I came down with the flu on Christmas Eve so I was kind of puny for the whole thing.  On the plus side, I had zero appetite, so I didn't gain any holiday weight.  I got nice presents - including 3 pairs of the same kind of gloves because Amazon makes it too hard to mark something as purchased when it's linked to a different site.  But by the third pair, it was kind of funny.

Vacation went by too quickly, of course.  I still have tomorrow off, but then it's back to work on Tuesday.  Ah, well.  
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vacation, under the weather, xmas, the state of me

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