My week in June spread across 4 years - well 5 now.

Jun 11, 2009 04:20

June 11, 2004

It is so weird that it is summer.

Definately doesn't feel like it.

My first night of summer wasn't exciting, but it was enjoyable. I watched the movie awards with my loyal Bradys. It was a lot of fun.

Natalie spent the night. We always have fun. I cried, I tried not to show I was crying but she saw. I hate that I cry, especially of all things over that.

She gave me a monopoly card of a broken heart. Its funny she didn't know the inside joke behind that...just gave it to me. Made me smile and my insides ache. L-a-m-e.

I am off to enjoy my summer.

Comment and I will give you a dollar

June 10, 2005

How do you bounce back when reality batters your belief system
and love does not, as promised, conquer all
is hope a drug we need to go off of?
or is it keeping us alive?
what's the harm in believing...

June 11, 2006

Dear Diary,
I can't sleep, honestly I never can. It's a miracle if I can fall asleep before 4...and tonight a miracle didn't happen. However I do like nights like tonight. 
I worked and train. Even though Mazzola's is ghetto as hell, and hot, and broken I like my job. I'll like serving even better. I am afriad of carrying trays. After work the girls came over and ate and watched me get ready. I have no idea what nonsense Jenny put as my away I hope its funny. We went to Ari's friends house. It was a lot of random people that we made friend's with. The captain made a small appearance. We joked and talked and the night went by surprisingly fast. Honestly, I don't start my nights till...12 earliest. Last night my night started at 1.30 and actually ended pretty early after. I like cuddling, its comforting. I wish I made money at the casino, but I am rambling right now. Back to tonight. We joked, laughed, had fun. Well behaved fun I must add. Cata drank more then me, and I stopped drinking early in the night. I never got drunk, tipsy at most. So I drove her home. It was my way of repaying her for letting me pee in her front yard and vomit in her toliet back in the day. Honestly...a lot of people think that they are best friends, but they're clicks will die soon. People that stay best friends are really best friends. I know I bitch and complain about my friends, but thats what makes us all sisters. Anyway yet again I am going off subject. So I drove Cata's car here. Were she is asleep and I'm awake. I need to get my stuff together, 4 isn't a good time to be writing in livejournal. My mom blessed with with holy water today. Hilarious. Oh and I sorted out Nat's ticket. Good times. And I was texting someone cool tonight, but my phone died. I called might not appreciate the fact I did. But it's cause you're an awesome friend. Ah the vagueness of livejournal. Anyway I'm done rambling. Im tired, slightly buzzed...and strangely awake.

Who will read this shit.
If you do.
Tell me your favorite color.
And your favorite memory with me.
Or your fav sexual position.
Whatever your desire is.

PS THis is a totally old school LJ post. About my day.

June 12, 2007

I am sick of having to be the one that has to bend over backwards to make you happy. Sure I work harder, and I love taking care of you and making you happy. But I'm sick of when I need you you aren't there for me, when I need something it is to big of an inconvience. I made mistakes but I promise I'm a good person, I deserve love. I feel so worthless so often.

I care more about all aspects in my life than they care about me.

June 16, 2008

I can't really make sense of my life.

I guess simply life isn't meant to be understood.

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