
Feb 02, 2010 11:53


My main PC suddenly stopped detecting the wireless network it was on. I did everything I could do -- trying new adapters, reseting, rebooting, uninstalling, reinstalling, looking at ipconfig again each time, ect. So I finally had to take it in. The hobbyist at the counter thought it was a virus, but I' very sure it isn't. I've had no problems other than the media disconnected part and it seems really unlikely that I'd get a virus on a computer that's scanned and checked over often using my Kaspersky I bought when I bought the computer. It's never been without Kaspersky on it since I had it. Also, I'm not the kind of person who clicks on unknown links. I don't go beyond a few websites I know and my journals.

So, that'll be in to be fixed until Friday or Monday sometime. Right now I'm using the Mac. I've had to install a few more things. Sadly it's limited to Tiger and cannot be upgraded, so I have a limited number of programs I can find to update it.

Aside from that it's been quite busy here. I've been receiving supply order almost nonstop since last Thursday! It was several huge orders split up. I have a new print rack for my paintings, a new table easel that can hold even large canvases, more watercolors and acrylics, more papers, more drawing pencils, and quite a lot of canvases. The canvases came in 6 packs, so I got 30 canvases. It all came in a big box and it was really fun opening it: Beast liked crawling inside them and batting at the flaps.

Beast really has gotten more active since I changed her food. The food before wasn't good and I feel sorry that I didn't know it, but now she is eating a very good brand! I'm feeding her Merrick's Before Grain and it's totally made a difference. She's so much more playful now and much more active. She hasn't had problems getting sick or itchy with it, so that's good. Just last night she was play attacking one of her catnip pillows and I got her chasing after a shiny ball I rolled across the wood floors. :D It's hilarious watching cats chase things over wood floors.

Sadly, she still is too smart for me to have fun with a laser pointer. I took one out yesterday and tried to get her to chase it. She just turned and looked back at my hand holding the laser pointer. My cat's too smart for that. :< That sucks because I keep hearing stories and seeing videos of cats going nuts over those things and I wanna see my cat do that, too. Oh well.
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