
Jan 25, 2010 20:18

Tomorrow, I'm planning to place some orders for more art supplies. Unfortunately, I've come up on a problem. Namely, watercolor paints.

The two paints I prefer are M Graham and Daniel Smith, although Maimeri works, too. M Graham has some really wonderful paints, but they don't have a huge selection like I wish they would. Daniel Smith, on the other hand, has a seemingly endless choice in paint colors. I love mixing both, but I can't buy both. They're not sold in the same places. Boo. :(

So now I have to decide between the two. M Graham is cheaper and more to the point. DS requires a lot more thought when buying. There's so many colors, and the ones I want most are the most expensive, haha. Almost $20 for a 15ml Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Genuine! Not to mention I also crave Rhodonite Genuine and Serpentine Genuine. *sigh* Is it bad that I think of buying expensive paints as spoiling myself?

Maybe I'll buy them later. I keep telling myself that, but each time I go to buy one of those colors, I feel guilty, like I'm throwing my money away. I'm really weird like that. Maybe I'll be a rebel and buy Rhodonite this time. How boring! But I doubt I'll ever get the courage to put out for Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Genuine. :( It's a gorgeous blue -- it makes the most lovely sky colors that's good enough to rival manganese blue (which is somewhat fugitive anyways :/).

I have more M Graham watercolors now, so I guess I'll try and choose what to buy from DS. 9.9;;
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