People who ask obvious questions are dumb

May 25, 2005 19:35

Ok, nothing has really happened lately. I went and
saw a pshyciatrist (i think i spelled that right??) on
Tuesday. I talked to Byron for the first time this
summer on Tuesday too. I got all three books
that I have to read for my summer reading on
Tuesday too. I ran on Monday and today.
I didn't do very good though.:-/ I have been
doing sit-ups and push-ups. Byron went to
see the new Star Wars movie for his second
time tonight. I called him and only got to talk
to him for like 5 minutes and then he had to go
so whatever. I'm sick of my friends. Like Katie
quotes "It's my life, let me live MY life the way
I want to" and she also quotes "I'm the one that
dies, so let me live my life"  I'm sick of my friends
telling me what I need to do, or change, or say, or
look at, or whatever, they always want me to change
something. Last night Jason said I should come to the
beach with him and Kristi today but as some of you
know, I really can't, so I said No thank you, then he
said "well maybe you can hang out with your boyfriend,
He told me he always asks you and you turn him down,
I'm starting to beleive him, maybe you should prove me
wrong sometime." I just can't be good enough for people
can I? Oh well whatever, I'm not gonna worry about that
lame shit cause I have bigger problems I need to worry
about. I got some Chinese last night and yum it was soooo
good, I haven't had any in so long, maybe me and Lauren
can do Chinese food when she comes. I got a new cool
website with some good pictures I will add more whenever
I can to that website. and it's this one Hott Pictures
(well some of them anyways)
 I'll add a few to this
entry if I can.


Little spotted butter colored kitten

The little spotted one and another one that's not that cute

This is the little kitten that looks like Kozmo kinda, but all
three of them are pretty cute. There are more pictures at
that one website above the pictures.
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