May 20, 2005 17:24
That's sad that it is the 1st day of summer and
i'm already bored. :-/ I got some Hemp from
Wal*Mart today so I can make stuff with it. :)
Me and Jason talked on AIM last night and this
is what we talked about:
nextelpimp2004: hey babe
VivianK13: hey
nextelpimp2004: whats up
VivianK13: nothing u came back just as i signed
on lol
VivianK13: did u just get home from work?
nextelpimp2004: lol actually i forgot cause i
thought it was friday but i got off at like 10
not 11 lol
VivianK13: oh did seth work tonight?
nextelpimp2004: no
nextelpimp2004: he doesnt officialy work there
nextelpimp2004: he did the application thing
and i talked to one of the managers and stuff and
they're gonna give him a call on monday i think cause
orientation is on tuesday so i think next week he'll
be on the schedule
VivianK13: that's cool is he going to clean the tables
or whatever u wanna call it?
nextelpimp2004: i dont know everything like me i
guess he'll buss tables and host i guess
VivianK13: that's cool I should go there and eat
when my sister gets back lol just kidding
nextelpimp2004: lol
VivianK13: r u glad school is out?
nextelpimp2004: not really
nextelpimp2004: it doesnt really feel like the
end of the year
VivianK13: i know
VivianK13: it was hilarious when scotty did the
thing like on napolian dynamite where he throws
the action figure out of the bus window
nextelpimp2004: did it work
VivianK13: it was going everywhere and everyone went
to the back of the bus to watch and the bus driver
was like "What's going on?" and we were like "oh
there's a bug on the window" haha then we hit a bump
and the action figure dude cracked and flew every where.
we decided we're going to do that every year and when
we drive we're all going to like car pool and do it on
the last day of school. we will probably 4get though
but it was funny
VivianK13: it lasted a long time though
nextelpimp2004: lol
nextelpimp2004: we were like singing songs and a
chick held up a cell phone pretending it was a
lighter like at a concert and we hit a bump and it flew
out the window lol and we backed up right before a car
ran over it and she like ran and got it
VivianK13: haha that happened 2day?
nextelpimp2004: yeah
VivianK13: who else r u talking 2?
nextelpimp2004: nobody really
nextelpimp2004: was talking to kristi but shes
gonna call my cell phone
VivianK13: is she at amanda's?
nextelpimp2004: no
VivianK13: suprisingly
nextelpimp2004: are you like jealous of amanda?
VivianK13: no y would i be jealous of her?
nextelpimp2004: i dont know it kinda seems that way
VivianK13: I don't get jealous over my friends
like some people do kinda like you do
nextelpimp2004: ok(sarcastically) hows that
VivianK13: i don't want to start argueing with u
over who gets jealous over who, so just nevermind
nextelpimp2004: wut eva
nextelpimp2004: kristi told me that u said our
shirts werent the same color and the same kind
nextelpimp2004: me and seth
VivianK13: no i didn't say anything about them
besides the fact that I didn't like them cause they
were pink on a guy
VivianK13: I barely even talked to kristi today
VivianK13: so as u say wut eva
nextelpimp2004: well she said that u said his was
darker and i was like what she was in that class and
saw they were the exact same everything
VivianK13: well i didn't even talk to her besides in
the morning pretty much and me and her both said
seth's shirt didn't look pink before we even went
to 7th period in the morning so i don't know what
she's talking about
nextelpimp2004: shes on drugs lol just joking i
love her
VivianK13: cause it was such a light pink that it
kinda almost looked white
nextelpimp2004: i know
VivianK13: well 4th grade through 8th she kinda smoked
pot or whatever she did lol
nextelpimp2004: at work i was like am i going crazy
or did my shirt turn white
nextelpimp2004: lol true DAT
VivianK13: it looked white kinda
nextelpimp2004: in different light it looks different
colors i guess
VivianK13: i guess. r u talking to kristi on the phone
right now?
nextelpimp2004: no i dont have any reception out here
VivianK13: I thought going outside durring lunch to
"hang out" was gay according to you but u went out
there today
nextelpimp2004: for like a minute and me and muse
walked up to my brother and said WHATS UP HIPPI
then his friend was like im a level 16 and i was
was freaking hillarious
VivianK13: i thought u went out to talk to that
roxy or roxan or whatever
nextelpimp2004: no i said whats up and stuff but
that was it then lunch was over after allt hat
stuff was over
VivianK13: yeah as soon as byron actually came
in we had to leave
nextelpimp2004: i know hes such a dumbass or
a liar
nextelpimp2004: he was like
nextelpimp2004: you guys have this lunch and i was
like yeah weve been in there the whole time and vivians
mad she saw u and said look a that fucker out there lol
and he was like i didnt know
VivianK13: I know when he came in he said he didn't know
and i said well we're on the same hall for 7th it only makes
sense and so i called him today and he wanted to go to the
skatepark rather than talk so he said he would call later or
get online and he didn't do neither cause he's like a
little kid very immature
nextelpimp2004: well he is little and immature so i guess
hes still a kid
VivianK13: true dat, im immature too but i can be
serious, he can't
nextelpimp2004: well he can he just has to try a LOT harder
nextelpimp2004: like life or death
VivianK13: yeah when he tries it lasts for like a week
VivianK13: that's all
nextelpimp2004: well
nextelpimp2004: what can you do lol
VivianK13: absolutely nothing
VivianK13: well actually something but im not gonna
do that
nextelpimp2004: true dat mayabe over the summer
things will get better hopefully
VivianK13: or maybe they won't and maybe if i get taller
i can have a chance with someone else lol
VivianK13: next year
nextelpimp2004: lol well we will just have to see
nextelpimp2004: ill laugh if u come back and your
like six foot five lol
VivianK13: i think i would be happy well not that
tall but i don't mind being short but people would
take me more seriously if I was taller and I wouldn't
get picked on as much and i could have a chance with
better guys that actually want a girl for a girlfriend
and not a little friend to watch them skateboard and
act retarded but i'll probably stay short so what eva lol
nextelpimp2004: your not just gonna automatically get
more guys just cause your taller actually guys like
short chicks more than tall chicks
VivianK13: not seth
nextelpimp2004: so just learn how to work it lol
VivianK13: i guess he's not a guy
nextelpimp2004: hes a man
nextelpimp2004: lol
VivianK13: yeah!!!
VivianK13: well seth says I remind him of his
little sister cause im short so taller is better
nextelpimp2004: well babe its time for my beddy bye
time ok
VivianK13: y?
nextelpimp2004: cause im tired
VivianK13: oh ok
nextelpimp2004: not even that much but like i
know i go to bed too late cause i can never get
up so this is me being smart
nextelpimp2004: ok well talk to you tomorrow
we'll all hang out like every freaking other
day this summer ok
VivianK13: ok bye
nextelpimp2004: bye
nextelpimp2004: goodnight
VivianK13: goodnight
nextelpimp2004 is away at 12:26:01 AM.
**He's so cool. I really do hope I get to
hang out with him and Kristi and Amanda and Maybe
Byron this summer. I'm kinda mad at byron but whatever
I don't feel like talking about it.
I'm already sick of my mother and fuckin brother. I can't
wait until school starts again!