Unexpected Turning (11/12)

Jul 07, 2012 01:37

Title: A Unexpected Turning (11/?)
Author: vivhasarifle
Rating: NC-17
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Cas, AU, creature!fic, angst, Sam/Gabriel.
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: MPREG. This is my first time writing both creature!fic and mpreg as per requests from the lovely Gedry and 888mph, submissive!Dean. I guess technically this fic contains hermaphrodites, as there are male characters with ‘extra’ parts. Swearing. Mention of character death. Also, there will be a romantic relationship between Sam and Gabriel, and Sam’s character in this is only sixteen, so legal in some states and countries but not in others; if you are in one of the others please be aware that this will contain a relationship between an underage character and an adult. Porn. This story also brings up the death of a child. This particular chapter contains a graphic birthing scene. If any of this bothers you, feel free not to read.
Word Count: 3516
Summary: Dean is a member of a pack of lynx and much to his surprise he discovers he is a carrier. Fearing the reactions of his pack, he runs, and encounters an interesting jaguar with piercing blue eyes.
Notes: Thanks to my fantastic beta highermagic, whose fic ‘Instinct’ leant great inspiration to this, and to Gedry and 888mph for the prompts and support! Throughout this fic I refer to the two different packs as ‘lynx’ and ‘jaguars’ respectively, but just to be clear they are in fact, shifters. For the purposes of this fic it is easier to have Sam be two years younger than Dean, as opposed to four, like on the show. I hope this isn’t too distracting.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.

Dean cradled Evie to his chest, watching with a small smile on his face as his mate turned over and sleepily opened his eyes.

“Good morning, Dean,” Castiel smiled and propped himself up with his elbow, “how is she doing?”

Dean grinned and looked down at his daughter, who at just two months old already showed signs of
recognizing the voices of both of her fathers, and had developed a fascination with chewing on any fingers she could get her tiny hands on.

“She’s fine,” he said, stroking her head, gently, “she’s just eaten and now she’s waiting to see her Papa.”

Castiel snorted. “Is that so?”

“Yes, she’s angry that you’ve slept late.”

Castiel rolled his eyes and sat up, leaning in to kiss Dean languidly before bending down to kiss Evie softly on her forehead.

“Has she forgiven me yet?”

Dean smiled wryly, “I think she’s almost there. You might have to kiss her Daddy one more time.”

Castiel arched an eyebrow. “Just the once?”

Dean nodded. “At a minimum.”

Castiel grinned and leaned in to kiss Dean again -


The scream started both of them and they leapt apart, Dean instinctively clutching Evie closer to his chest. They both stood up and rushed outside, and they were greeted with the sight of Bobby running towards them, panicked.


The color drained from Castiel’s face and he turned to Dean.

“I need you to go to Gabriel’s tent and get him. tell Sam to meet me here, and tell anyone else you see on the way that may not have already heard. I’m sorry, Dean, but you can’t fight. You need to take Gabriel and any other pregnant carriers to the cabin in the woods, do you know where it is?”

Dean nodded, hardly believing what was happening.

Castiel gripped his arm. “Good, now listen, send Sam around to gather any carriers that have recently given birth, or anyone that is injured or wants to stay in the cabin to help the others, the roles have been assigned. Do you understand me?”

Dean took in a deep breath. “Of course, Cas.”

Castiel leaned in and kissed Dean, passionately, but careful not to crush Evie, who was fidgeting between them. The kiss was layered with everything, all the things that both of them were afraid to say. The I love yous, that even though said every day, now seemed to have not been said enough; the grateful caress for everything they had done for each other, and finally, and the most terrifying of all, each told the other with the kiss; don’t die, please come back to me, don’t die.

The kiss had only taken a few seconds, but it seemed to both of them that an hour had passed before they broke apart.

“Go, Dean, get Gabriel! Hurry!”

Dean nodded and ran towards his brother-in-law’s tent, only to find Sam and Gabriel, running as fast as Gabriel’s vast belly would allow.

“Dean!” Sam yelled, a terrified look on his face, “Gabriel’s - “

“It’s all right,” Dean reached Gabriel’s side and took his arm, “Cas is having me take Gabriel to the safe house -”

“I’m a labor,” Gabriel gasped, an arm wrapped around his abdomen.

Dean blanched. “How far apart are the contractions?”

“About every ten minutes.” Gabriel said.

Dean sighed. “Okay, well we’ll have time to get to the cabin, it’s not that far, but it’ll take longer since you can’t shift. Sam, I need you to go around and gather all of the other pregnant carriers, the ones who have just had their babies and the ones assigned to help in the cabin?”

Sam nodded. “Of course,” He turned to to Gabriel, his eyes full of regret, “I’m so sorry that I won’t be able to be there when -”

“Shh,” Gabriel put his fingers gently over Sam’s lips, “you’re going to be protecting me, and them, and that’s what’s important. I love you.”

Sam gulped, “I love you too, Gabriel.”

Sam pressed his lips to his mate’s, and when he broke away he turned to Dean.

“Look after him, okay, and my babies.”

Dean nodded, marveling at the man his little brother had grown into. “Of course.”

Sam hugged him, hard, breaking away when Evie began to fuss.

“Sorry little girl, be good,” he said, pressing a kiss onto her cheek. “Take him straight there, Dean, all right? I’ll bring the others, but he needs to be settled somewhere soon.”

“Yeah, I’ll take care of him Sam,” Dean wrapped his free arm around Gabriel’s waist and quickly walked him towards the forest.

“Of course,” Gabriel huffed, “this would happen today.”

Dean chuckled. “Yeah, well I’m used to you inconveniencing me.”

Gabriel laughed, and then bent over. “Ow! Don’t make me laugh, you shit.”

Dena apologized and tried to soothe both Gabriel and Evie as they hurried towards the safe cabin, until they finally reached their destination. Dean threw open the door and had Gabriel lie down on a pile of blankets.

“Hold on for just a second, Gabriel, I have to get Evie settled.”

Gabriel nodded, looking around the solid log cabin built for their purposes.

“I never thought I’d be giving birth in this place,” he said quietly, “I thought I’d be in my own tent, and Sam would b-be there -”

To Dean’s dismay he heard Gabriel’s voice crack and he turned to his friend, Evie settled nicely in a little nest of blankets.

“Hey, hey, don’t worry Gabe. We’ll deliver your babies today and they’ll be beautiful, okay? And you’ll be able to show them to Sam when he gets here, and he will be so proud, do you hear me? Now cheer up. You’ll need all of your strength for this and you don’t want to enter into it already down, all right?”

Gabriel nodded and wiped his eyes. “You’re right.”

There was a knocking on the door and Dean went over, lifting the latch and opening it, gingerly.

“It’s us!” Ruby was standing there with baby Fergus on her hip. Along with her was Anna, who although neither pregnant or mother had volunteered to help, as well as several pregnant carriers and George, who was cradling his twins.

Dean ushered them in quickly, before turning to them and speaking.

“All right guys, listen up! Gabriel’s in labor so I’m going to be giving most of my attention to him, but if you’re hurt or need anything just ask me and I’ll help you if I can. I also might need help with Evie, so will one of you guys please keep an eye on her?”

Ruby stepped forward. “I’ll watch her, Dean. She’s not much younger than Fergus.”

Dean blinked. “I...really?”

Ruby looked sheepish. “What are packs for?”

Dean smiled. “Thanks, Ruby.”

“Touching as this is,” Gabriel gritted out, “I’m kind of having babies over here.”

Dean shook his head and turned back to Gabriel.

“Right,” he knelt down next to the jaguar, “I’m going to check how dilated you are, okay?”

Gabriel nodded and Dean began the examination, nervous, because not only was this the first birth he would be attending alone, but this was Gabriel’s birth. The pressure was huge.

“Eight centimeters,” Dean said, pulling his hand away, “you’re pretty far along, how long have you known you were in labor?”

Gabriel sighed. “A few hours, I was keeping an eye on it, I didn’t want to call you until I really needed you.”

“Yeah well it feels like you needed me hours ago, what were you thinking?”

Gabriel shrugged. “That all births were the same. Nothing really happens until later anyway.”

Dean grit his teeth. “You’re impossible. I need to feel the position of the babies, so lie back.”

Gabriel did as he was told while Dean felt around.

“They both seem to be facing the right way,” he said, finally, before meeting Gabriel’s eyes with a weary look, “sorry, it’s harder with twins. for a moment I would have sworn one of them had three legs.”

Gabriel rolled his eyes. “I don’t really care how many appendages they have as long as they get out, and soon.”

Dean grinned. “Well, it won’t be long now.”

Dean was wrong. It took several hours for Gabriel to dilate the last two centimeters, and tense wait wasn’t helped by the fact that everyone’s minds were elsewhere, wondering how the battle was going, and wondering if their loved ones were still alive.

“AHHH GOD!” Gabriel was screaming, and Dean was panicking slightly, unsure of what to do. This was, by far, the worst birth Dean had ever attended.

“Gabriel, you’re ready, you’ve got to push!” Dean was exasperated and to make matters worse, he heard Evie start to cry. He almost turned to comfort her but he saw Ruby pick her up and start to feed her, and he forced himself to turn his full attention to Gabriel.

“I can’t,” the older man was muttering, “I can’t, it’s too much.”

Dean’s mouth became a tight line. “Gabriel, I am not letting you give up before you’ve even begun, damnit, now, do you want to lie down or squat or what?”

Gabriel moaned and crawled onto all fours. “Like this, I need to do it like this.”

“All right, good, now, on your next contraction, push, all right?”

Gabriel moaned and bore down and screamed, a sound which made Dean’s ears hurt, but he rubbed his brother-in-law’s back and soothed him as best as he could, even when the baby crowned, which made Gabriel scream all the louder.

“Shhh, Gabriel you’re almost there,” Dean muttered, wincing at the stretched out flesh at Gabriel’s opening, pitying the other man for having to deliver yet another baby when they were done with the first.

“I’m going to kill Sam!” Gabriel bit out between pushes.

Dean chuckled. “Calm down, Gabriel, first ones almost out, a few more pushes and we’ll have the shoulders.”

It took another twenty minutes of pushes, but finally, with a great roar the first baby came away.

“A boy!” Dean cried joyfully, “Gabriel it’s a little boy!”

Dean put a tied off the umbilical cord and held the baby to Gabriel’s face. Gabriel’s eyes welled up and he reached over to put a hand to the baby’s bloody face.

“He’s beautiful,” he whispered, “Dean, isn’t he beautiful?”

Dean nodded, his eyes welling up too. “Yeah, he really is.”

Gabriel smiled. “Dean.”


Gabriel shook his head, laughing. “No, Sam and I decided to name him Dean.”

Dean gasped. “Really?

Gabriel grinned. “Unfortunately, yeah.”

Dean was almost at a loss for words. “I...thank you.” He frowned when Gabriel let out a low wail. “We need to deliver the other baby now, Gabe.”

“I’ll clean off little Dean,” Anna said, appearing at Dean’s shoulder, and Dean handed over the baby, a twinge of sadness in his chest when he remembered that traditionally the father cleaned the babies, but now was no time for sadness and he knew that. Instead he moved back to his position by Gabriel’s legs.

“Okay, Gabe, push!”

The first baby came more easily than the first, the way already having been opened by baby Dean, and a few minutes later the other baby arrived.

“Another boy!” Dean cried, overjoyed, and he cut the umbilical cord, showing the baby to Gabe, who collapsed, exhausted, on his back and accepted the little boy readily, while holding his arm out to Anna for his brother.

“Castiel,” Gabriel said, “we’re naming this one Castiel.” His eyes were wet again, and he gazed lovingly at each baby, his face a picture of relief and happiness. Until he gasped.

“Oh my God, it hurts!”

Dean shook his head. “It’s okay, Gabe, it’s just the placenta, hang on and we’ll deliver it.”

He took the babies and nestled the into a pile of blankets next to him and bent to look between Gabriel’s legs.


Gabriel’s eyes widened. “What?”

“There’s another baby,” Dean said quietly.


“I...there’s another baby.”

“I heard you the first time, Dean! How...how?”

Dean shook his head. “I only felt two! You only felt two!”

“It must have been hiding under its brothers,” Gabriel said, “I’ve seen this happen before. I’m so tired, Dean...I need to lie down.”

Dean nodded. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Lie down and we’ll have this one out in no time.”

Gabriel lay back and started to push.

“Sam’s going to be surprised,” he said, jovially, “he never expected - ARGH!”

“Shh, it’s okay...”


Dean gasped when he realized what Gabriel was saying was true, he assumed that the blood on his hands was coming from the slight tearing at Gabriel’s perineum, but he realized with a shock that there was too much of it, and that the bright red liquid was gushing from inside Gabriel’s hole.

“Gabriel! What do I do?”

Gabriel’s eyelids were drooping. “Deliver...the baby,” he said, “then you’ll have to pack the bleeding. Get the baby out first, use your hands if you have to.”

Dean nodded and frantically eased his hands around the baby’s head and, gently as he could, he helped guide the baby out.

“It’s a girl,” he whispered, “a little girl.”

Gabriel sighed and laid back, “Mary,” he said, “I promised...Sam.”

“GABRIEL!” Dean roared. “You stay with me, you bastard!”

“She isn’t crying,” Gabriel whispered, “why isn’t she crying?”

Dean looked down at the tiny little girls in his hands. She couldn’t have weighed more than three pounds. He started to rub at her frantically.

“She’s blue,” he muttered, “she’s not breathing!”

Gabriel wailed and rolled onto his side, tears pouring down his cheeks.

“Not again, not again, I can’t do it again...” Gabriel kept muttering while Dean cut the final umbilical cord and panickedly smacked the baby on the bottom, desperately trying to get her to breathe.

“I want to die.”

“Don’t you dare!” Dean snapped. “You have three children that need you so don’t you dare die on me!”

Dean was freaking out. Gabriel was still losing blood, and getting and little Mary still wasn’t breathing.

“No!” Dean leaned down and sucked at the baby’s nostrils and mouth, clearing them of the gunk, hoping that would help, but she still wouldn’t breathe. He was not going to let Gabriel lose Mary the way he lost Jesse. He knew that would destroy his friend, and so he was going to save his little girl. He started breathing into the baby’s mouth, and noticed to his relief that a little color started to come into her skin, and that there was a very slight rise and fall to her chest.

“Not fast enough,” he muttered. She needed to cry, he knew, to get enough oxygen in her lungs to keep her alive. He looked around the room, trying to find anything that could help him. He saw a barrel of water obviously placed in the cabin for washing, and had an idea...a crazy idea, but maybe it would work.

He got up and ran over the barrel, and before anyone could stop him (he saw Ruby gasp and dart towards him out of the corner of his eye) he plunged the baby quickly into the cold water and then pulled her out, hoping against hope that it had worked.

A weak, frail cry filled the cabin, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh thank God,” Dean said, “she’s crying! Gabriel, do you hear that? Mary’s crying!”

He turned to his friend, a smile stretching on his face, and his expression fell.

Gabriel wasn’t moving.

Dean acted quickly. He gave Mary to Ruby and ran to his friend, who to his relief was still breathing, but was extremely pale. Dean looked between his legs and saw that one placenta had come away on its own, but he knew there was at least one more in there, and that judging by the amount of blood it had probably ruptured. God, he wished Gabriel was awake, and helping him. He reached into the birth canal and felt, to his relief, that the placenta had already come away, which was good, because if it had still been attached to the wall of the uterus he would have had to rip it away and then Gabriel really would be a goner. He pulled the placenta out and felt further inside Gabriel, relieved when he found the there was no more blood flow, the blood had been entirely from the other placenta. The question was, whether Gabriel had already lost too much blood. Dean hoped not. He packed Gabriel’s womb with cotton, just in case there was more bleeding, and stitched up the tear, his hands shaking a little. He looked at his friend and gently propped him up.

“Gabriel,” he slapped his friend’s face, gently, “Gabriel, please.”

He stood up and ran over to the barrel of water, cupping his hands and bringing some over to throw on Gabriel’s face. The older man sputtered slightly and his eyes fluttered open.

“D-dean?” he murmured.

“It’s okay,” Dean stroked his friend’s hair, “don’t try to talk, okay? I just wanted you to know that Mary’s alive, all right? She’s going to be okay.”

Gabriel nodded. “Can I see her?”

Dean gestured to Ruby, who brought the baby over. Gabriel smiled when he saw her.

“Hello,” he breathed out, “troublemaker.”

Dean chuckled. “Do you want to hold her?”

Gabriel shook his head. “Don’t think I can...too weak.”

Dean nodded. “Okay...is it safe for you to sleep? You lost a lot of blood.”

“Yeah...it’ll help. I need food, when I wake up.”

“Yeah, of course, Gabe, we’ll get you some.”

Gabriel looked over at his sons. “They’ll need to eat.”

“We’ll feed them,” Dean said, “Ruby, George and I, we’ll take care of them, okay? You just rest.”

A look of relief passed over Gabriel’s features and then he sank into a deep sleep.

Dean, feeling that he could finally relax, deposited Gabriel’s placentas in a bucket and washed up in the water barrel, before walking over and picking up Evie, who was fussing.

“Hey baby,” he breathed into her hair, “I’m sorry I had to leave you alone for a bit, you okay?”

Evie gurgled and he took that as a yes, kissing her before setting her back down again and then turning to pick up his new nephews.



“Can you feed Mary, please? Be careful with her, she’s weak.”

Ruby smiled. “Of course I will, Dean.”

Dean looked down at the two little boys in his arms.


The young man walked over to him. “Yes, Dean?”

“Have you fed your twins?”

“Yes, a little while ago.”

Dean held out one of the boys. “Will you feed little Dean? I don’t really know how to breastfeed two babies at once.”

George chuckled. “Yeah, that takes getting used to. Sure, I’ll take him.”

Once Dean saw that Mary and baby Dean were settled he sat down next to Evie and began to feed Castiel, a little sad that Gabriel was not feeding his babies for the first time, but pleased all the same that they were all well and alive. He looked more carefully at the baby in his arms. Little Castiel had dark, black hair, and from the looks of it so did baby Dean. As far as Dean could tell the boys were identical. Both of them weighed about six pounds, and had round, chubby cheeks and sweet little button noses. Mary, on the other hand, had no hair at all, and was very small and red. Dean understood now that she had probably been trapped under her brothers for the majority of Gabriel’s pregnancy, and that the boys had probably sapped most of the nutrients. Still, Dean knew that Mary was a fighter. With parents like Sam and Gabriel, how could she be anything else?

Now Dean had delivered Gabriel’s triplets, he allowed his mind to wander to the battle, and he prayed and hoped that all the people he loved were okay. Part of him wanted to run there and help, but he knew that he was needed where he was, and he finally accepted that there was no shame in being what he was, in being a carrier and a healer as opposed to a warrior. He knew that when it ended someone from the pack would come and fetch them, but he still worried, and really, all he wanted was to see Castiel again.

Suddenly, there was a loud knocking at the door. Dean clutched his nephew and scooped up his daughter with his other arm, prepared to kill anyone that threatened his family and his pack.

“Who’s there?” he called out, surprised at how harsh his own voice sounded.

“Dean it’s me!” Dean sighed in relief, hearing a voice that he had worried he would never hear again.

“It’s me, Dean! It’s Adam!”

Additional Notes: You guys have NO idea how close you came to a cliffhanger with Gabriel, but I am a kind mistress, and I decided not to leave you guys hanging :).

pairing: sam/gabriel, author:vivhasarifle, genre: slash, fandom: supernatural, verse: unexpectedturning, pairing:dean/castiel

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