Functioning Bruises (2/?)

Jun 20, 2012 01:12

Title: Functioning Bruises (2/?)
Author: vivhasarifle
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter, but the fic will probably get up to NC-17.
Genre and/or Pairing: Gabriel/Dean, human AU, hurt/comfort, angst, romance, slash.
Characters: Dean, Gabriel.
Spoilers: As long as you know who Gabriel is you’re fine.
Warnings: Very few for this chapter, but swearing, I suppose. This fic overall will mention past underage rape, past child-abuse, mansex, and one of the boys will have a mental disorder, also dyslexic!Dean.
Word Count: 4004
Summary: Dean Winchester has a pretty unremarkable life. He’s working his way through school, hangs out with his law-student brother on week-ends, and loves his car. However, when his little brother introduces him to Gabriel Cummings, Dean finds his whole life turned upside-down.
Notes: This is only my second attempt at writing Gabriel/Dean. I used to dislike this pairing, and only wrote it the first time as a favor to a friend. However, recently I have been UBER drawn to it and have decided to try my hand at it. This is the result. I love human AUs but I know they’re not everyone’s cup of tea, so please, feel free not to read.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.

Dean slammed Gabriel against the wall outside the bar, and attached his mouth hungrily to the other man’s. He slowly edged his knee in between Gabriel’s legs and pressed against the growing erection he felt there. Gabriel moaned into Dean’s mouth and pushed back, as well as running his nimble tongue along Dean’s bottom lip.

“You should know,” Gabriel said breathily, pulling away, “that I don’t have sex on the first date, and since I came to see you at work, this doesn’t even count as a date to begin with.”

Dean grunted. “Yeah?” He smirked and grabbed at Gabriel’s crotch. “This begs to differ, and besides, if you didn’t want to get it on why’d you insist on waiting for me to get off,” Dean snorted, “or should I say to get me off.” He winked.

Gabriel ran his fingers through Dean’s hair. “You’re a real charmer, you know that?” He kissed him again. “Maybe I just wanted to hang out.”

Dean tried not to be too disappointed, despite the fact that his erection was currently straining painfully against his jeans. “Yeah...that sounds...nice.”

Gabriel cackled. “Dude, I’m fucking with you!”

Dean’s eyes brightened. “So, sex is back on?”

Gabriel shook his head. “Nuh-uh, that part, I meant. Still, I never said anything about giving you a blowjob...unless you’re not interested.” Gabriel’s lip curled and he rolled his hips slowly into Dean’s.

A guttural sound escaped Dean’s lips and he gripped Gabriel’s hips, hard. “God you’ve got no idea what you’re doing to me.”

Gabriel leaned in and placed his head gently next to Dean’s. Dean could feel Gabriel’s breath tickling his ear and he tried not to be turned on by the fact that Gabriel had to just slightly go up on his toes to reach him.

“I,” Gabriel whispered, his breath hot and slightly wet against Dean’s throat, “know exactly what I’m doing to you, and believe me when I tell you...this is nothing compared to the tricks I have up my sleeve.” The shorter man reached around and squeezed Dean’s ass, hard.

Dean bucked into Gabriel, and was rewarded when the other man shuddered.

“So,” Dean said, threading his hands through Gabe’s hair, “your place or mine?”

They ended up at Gabriel’s. The cab ride over had seemed to go on forever, and Dean’s fingers had itched for contact with the other man’s skin. Now that they were finally at Gabriel’s apartment, Dean slipped behind him while he put the keys in the door and kissed the back of his neck.

“You are so. Fucking. Hot,” he growled, reaching around and grabbing at one of Gabe’s pecs, eagerly.
“God, the things I wanna do to you.”

Gabriel finally clicked the key in the door, turned to face Dean, and winked. “Maybe later, big boy.”

He pushed open the door and walked in.

“So this is it,” Gabriel said, “le maison de Gabriel.”

Dean scoffed. “In English?”

Gabriel shrugged. “My place. You like?”

Dean looked around. It was a pretty nice apartment, from what he could see. He was standing in a large living room, decorated in the typical single-bachelor-shops at ikea fashion. The kitchen was separated from the living room only by a breakfast island, and Dean had to admit it made the whole apartment seem more open. Still, there was one thing about the place Dean found unsettling.

“It’s so clean,” he said, bewildered, and Gabriel laughed.

“I’m...a little obsessive,” Gabriel looked embarrassed, “but hey, being clean is a good thing, right?”

Dean laughed. “Yeah...just remind me to never invite you to my place.”

Gabriel smirked and sat on the couch. “Don’t know if I can keep that promise, Deano,” he patted the space next to him on the couch, “now c’mere, hot stuff.”

Dean didn’t hesitate. He settled himself down and smiled, humming deeply when he was rewarded with a lapful of squirming Gabriel.

“You’re overdressed,” Dean said, reaching up to push Gabriel’s jacket off; when that was done he gently worked off Gabriel’s tie, and undid the buttons of his dress shirt.

Gabriel watched silently while Dean slowly undressed him, moaning a little when Dean slipped his hand under Gabriel’s undershirt and rubbed his chest.

“You’re...awesome,” Dean was enamored with the facial expressions the other man was making, “and so freaking hot,” he added.

Gabriel chuckled. “I’m glad you think so,” he deliberately ground down on Dean’s lap and grinned when Dean growled a little.

“Mmm,” Dean gripped Gabriel’s hips, hard, “are you sure about the whole ‘no sex’ thing? Because right now all I can think about is fucking you until you scream.”

Dean was taken aback when Gabriel froze above him, his face draining of all color. Gabriel shook his head and stood up, quickly.

“Hey...are you okay?” Dean stood up and walked over to Gabriel, who had his back to the older man.

“I’m fine,” came the quiet reply, “just give me a second.”

Dean had no idea what he had done, but it was taking everything he had not to panic. Things had been going so well, and now he’d obviously done something stupid and messed it all up. He’d been right when he’d assumed he wasn’t right for Gabriel.

“Look,” he said quietly, after clearing his throat, “I’ll go, okay?”

“No!” Gabriel turned around and ran his hand through his hair. “Look, would you believe me if I promised that this was me; not you?”

Dean sighed. “Sure, yeah, I get it, and no hard feelings, okay?”

Gabriel made a frustrated noise. “Dean, that’s not what I meant...” he sighed, “listen, you didn’t do anything wrong, alright?” Gabriel walked over to Dean and put his arms around his neck. “I still like you, okay? And I still want you to stay, I just...I’m not ready to explain everything to you yet.”

Dean frowned. “Explain everything?”

Gabriel smiled, grimly. “You’re not the only one with secrets, Dean. And I know it’s not fair to ask you to wait to hear mine when you told me yours so readily today but, well, that’s exactly what I’m asking. I promise, one day I’ll tell you everything, but for now, I can’t.” Gabriel sighed. “If you want out now I wouldn’t blame you.”

Dean blinked. “Gabe, I don’t want out. I was afraid I’d done something awful and fucked everything up,” he laughed nervously, “I have a habit of doing that.”

Gabriel smiled and kissed him.

“You haven’t done anything wrong,” he said, after he had pulled away.

Dean rubbed the side of his face. “Well, if you’re sure.”

Gabriel reached out and took the hand away from Dean’s face, brought it to his lips, and gently kissed the knuckles of it.

“I’m positive.”

Dean let out a sigh of relief. “Good,” he said, “so...I’m figuring you’re sort of not in the mood anymore, am I right?”

Gabriel grimaced. “Yeah. I’m sorry.”

Dean shook his head. “No, it’s totally fine. So, I’m just gonna catch a cab home and...maybe we can do something this weekend?”

Gabriel frowned. “Sam said you usually work weekends.”

Dean nodded. “Yeah, I do, but I get off early Saturday, because I’m working the mid-shift. I get off at eight. We could do a late dinner or something?”

Gabriel grinned. “Sounds great. What kind of food do you like?”

Dean shrugged. “I’m pretty simple in my tastes...steak, burgers; stuff like that.”

Gabriel arched an eyebrow. “I don’t think there’s anything simple about you, Dean Winchester, but I’ll think of somewhere nice for us to go.”

Dean chuckled. “I’m usually the one planning the dates, but sure, that sounds good. it usually pretty easy to get a cab in this neighborhood this time of night?” Dean was actually planning to take the bus home, but he knew instinctively that Gabriel wouldn’t be all too happy with that idea, and he figured a small, white lie couldn’t hurt.

Gabriel’s face softened. “You know, I meant it when I said I still wanted you to stay, that is, if you don’t think I’m completely insane after what just happened. I have work tomorrow, so I’ll be leaving kind of early but you can hang around as late as you want, after I’m gone.”

Dean considered the offer. He felt as though he had somehow crossed an invisible line with Gabriel tonight, and he didn’t want to make the shorter man feel any more uncomfortable than he already had. Still, Gabriel was offering, and Dean really hated taking the bus at night. He didn’t have class tomorrow until noon, which would leave him plenty of time to get home and change before he had to be at school.

Gabriel looked at him, expectantly, and he smiled, slowly.

“Yeah,” he said, “that’d actually be really good if you don’t mind. You don’t have to make any special arrangements or anything, I’m totally cool with the couch, and I’m a really heavy sleeper so don’t mind me when you wake up -”

“Dean,” Gabriel said, firmly, “you’re not sleeping on the couch. You think I’m that cruel? I mean, sure, I did drag a poor, defenseless guy back to my apartment with the promise of a blowjob and then fail to see it through, but still, the couch? What kind of monster do you take me for?”

Dean laughed. “But I don’t have anything to sleep in, and none of your stuff will fit me because...well.”

Gabriel gave Dean a hard look. “Because?”

Dean shrugged, nervously. “Because you’re vertically challenged?”

Gabriel grunted. “I guess that’s better than some of the things you could have said, and I have some sweat pants that are extra long on me that might fit you, they’ll be okay to sleep in, anyway. I even have an extra toothbrush.” Gabriel waggled his eyebrows.

“An extra toothbrush?” Dean made a face. “It’s new, right?”

Gabriel huffed. “No, Dean, I’m making you use the communal toothbrush. Of course it’s new, jeez.”

Suddenly, Dean found himself being dragged by the arm across the apartment.

“Come on, big boy, time for bed.”

And that was how, a few minutes later, Dean found himself curled up in Gabriel’s incredibly comfortable king-sized bed, wearing gray sweatpants that were long enough to reach a few inches above his ankles, with an extremely affectionate man curled up behind him.

“I’m not used to being the little spoon,” Dean mused aloud.

“Well,” Gabriel said against his neck, “get used to it, because I’m a cuddler. Now go to sleep, it’s late.”

Dean sighed and leaned back into the embrace. Despite their not having sex, Dean was struck by how quickly things were moving with Gabriel, Dean had already shared one of his most intimate secrets with him, and Gabriel had come pretty close. Heck, they hadn’t even been on a real date yet and here Dean was spending the night and snuggling with the guy. Still, something in Dean was telling him that it was okay; more than okay, that it was right.

Dean craned his head back and kissed Gabriel’s hair.

“Goodnight, Gabriel.”

He felt his back vibrate when Gabriel hummed contentedly at him.

“Goodnight, Dean.”

Gabriel’s eyes shot open when he heard his extremely loud and obnoxious alarm go off at seven thirty, and he rolled over quickly to slam it off, not wanting it to wake Dean. He rolled over and tentatively examined the other man, smiling when he saw that Dean had only burrowed further under the blankets. Gabriel resisted the urge to ruffle Dean’s hair and instead got softly out of bed, stretching as he did so and smiling satisfiedly when he felt and heard his back pop.

He shuffled into the kitchen and started on his coffee, and then decided to take a quick shower to give the pot time to brew.

He was walking around in a bathrobe with wet hair when Dean stumbled sleepily out of the bedroom. Gabriel’s face fell.

“I didn’t wake you, did I?”

Dean shook his head.

“I wanted to be up to say goodbye to you.” Dean’s sleepy eyes trailed lasciviously over Gabriel’s slightly damp, robed body. “That’s a good look for you.”

Gabriel snorted. “You want coffee?”

Dean nodded, seating himself at one of the stools at the breakfast island. “That sounds awesome, thanks.”

“How do you take it?”

“Just black.”

Gabriel almost dropped the mug he was holding. “Ew.”

Dean raised his eyebrows. “What? How do you take it?”

Gabriel pushed his mug across to Dean who tasted it, looking wary. He made a face and had to resist spitting the beverage out.

“Good God, Gabriel, what’s in this?”

Gabriel smirked and took a huge swig of the offending drink. “Mocha caramel flavored creamer and three sugars.”


Gabriel shrugged. “Whatever, yours tastes like tar.”

“Mine tastes like coffee.”

Gabriel leaned in and kissed Dean, full on the mouth.

“It’s tastes okay on you, I guess,” he conceded.

Dean licked his lips. “Likewise. Although I bet you taste better than me, since I can taste the toothpaste on your breath and the morning on mine.”

“You know where the toothbrush is, sweet cheeks,” Gabriel drained the last of his coffee, “now if you’ll excuse me I have to get dressed.”

He pecked Dean on the cheek and walked into his bedroom. He pulled on his clothes without thinking, because he always set up his work clothes for the week in advance. He was just putting the finishing touches on his tie (green, double windsor knot, because single windsors were for lazy men and private school boys) when Dean strolled into the room, looking pleased with himself. He sauntered over to Gabriel and kissed him, invasively pushing his tongue into the shorter man’s mouth.

“Minty-fresh,” he said, smugly.

Gabriel smirked. “I can see that,” Gabriel swatted Dean’s arm, “but if you don’t stop distracting me I’ll never get to work on time, and then who will order your brother and around and make him do menial tasks that are beneath him?”

Dean laughed. “Um, all the other assholes that work there?”

Gabriel made a show of smacking his hand against his forehead. “That’s right, I forgot.” He pulled on his suit jacket, “I hate to do this, Dean, but I really do have to go.”

Dean nodded, and kissed Gabriel one last time, and Gabriel couldn’t help but wonder how this man had barged his way so quickly into his life.

On second thought, Gabriel couldn’t help but not care.

Gabriel was eating lunch with Sam when a thought suddenly entered his head.

“Hey Sammy?”

Sam looked up from his cobb salad. “Hmm?”

“How come you never told me that Dean’s dyslexic?”

Sam closed up his salad container. “Because it wasn’t for me to tell. Dean’s really weird about who knows.”

Gabriel sighed. “Yeah, I got that. What I don’t get is why. I mean, he knows there’s nothing to be ashamed of, right?”

Sam shrugged. “You gotta remember that it wasn’t like Dean found out early and got help in school the way a lot of kids nowadays do. When he found out, for him it was like everything he’d ever heard about him being stupid was confirmed -”

“But he’s not stupid.”

Sam huffed. “Duh, I know that, Gabe, but sometimes it’s hard to convince Dean of that.”

Gabriel sighed. “Well, I don’t ever want him to feel stupid around me. Any tips I should know?”

Sam nodded. “Yeah, are you guys going out to dinner any time soon?”

“This Sunday.”

“Are you picking the place?”

Gabriel frowned. “Yes. Why?”

Sam rubbed his shoulder. “Because you should make sure you pick a place that doesn’t use fancy cursive on the menus. Dean finds it harder to read than regular print. Also, if you’re doing Italian or anything give him more time to read it, because if the dishes have foreign names it takes him longer.”

Gabriel sucked in a breath. “Okay, that makes sense.”

“And for the love of God, don’t offer to read the menu for him.”

Gabriel laughed. “Yeah, I figured that was a nono.”

Sam’s eyes widened. “Oh yeah, big time. I tried it once...he almost bit my head off.”

Gabriel let out an amused sound. “Well, thanks for the tips, Sammy.”

Sam got up to throw away his to-go container.

“Oh, you’re more than welcome. I was really hoping you guys would hit it off. I just...the important thing to remember when it comes to Dean’s dyslexia is that he can read, you just have to be patient with him. He’s a really good writer too.”

Gabriel raised his eyebrows. “I thought he wouldn’t let you read any of his stuff.”

Sam chuckled. “Well yeah, but he couldn’t stop me from reading the one that got published.”

Gabriel’s mouth fell open. “He’s been published? That’s incredible!”

Sam laughed. “Yeah, he doesn’t talk about it a lot because he’s embarrassed about it.”

Gabriel shook his head. “What? Why would he be embarrassed about that?”

Sam made a noise. “Because it was for this magazine’s highlight on dyslexia. They were doing a thing on how dyslexic kids can achieve anything they want. Anyway, Dean knew one of the women working on it, she was an old professor of his, and she asked him for a story, but she didn’t tell him it was for a dyslexia thing. He’s embarrassed about it because he thinks she only wanted the story because he’s dyslexic, not because he’s a good writer, which he totally is.”

Gabriel whistled. “Man, she should have told him what it was for, that’s kind of fucked up.”

Sam shook his head. “I’m sure she knew that if she made it clear that the feature was focusing on dyslexia he wouldn’t have signed off on it. Dean thinks that he should be able to get through life without ever having to tell anyone. I’ve tried to explain to him that if he has trouble with something, and explains it’s because he’s dyslexic, that’s not making an excuse or something, it’s just the way things are. I don’t know, I wish we hadn’t found out so late, but we moved around a lot when we were kids. Dad didn’t settle and open his mechanic shop until Dean was twelve. By that time he was going into middle school, and he’d figured out enough coping mechanisms to hide it.” Sam sighed. “If we’d just settled somewhere someone might have spotted the signs a lot earlier.”

“Hey,” Gabriel walked over to Sam and put a hand on his shoulder, “Dean’s fine. In fact, Dean’s awesome, like seriously, cannot believe you waited so long to introduce me to him. In fact, I’m kind of mad about it. Feel guilty about that, Sammy, not about something out of your control.”

Sam smiled. “Thanks Gabe, I appreciate it.”

Gabriel’s lip curled. “So, do you have a copy of this story that I can read?”

Sam blushed. “Sure I do, I’ll email you a copy.”

On Sunday Gabriel waited for Dean at the restaurant for about fifteen minutes before Dean rushed in, hair freshly wet and looking generally delicious. He made his way over to Gabriel and kissed him briskly on the cheek, before sitting down.

“Hey, I am so sorry I’m late, but we had a group of college girls at work I didn’t want to turn up for our date smelling like Jager bombs and pink grapefruit body spray, so I had to run home and shower. Have you been waiting long?”

Gabriel was, for a fleeting tenth of a second, lost for words. Dean certainly had a way of conjuring up unique images. No wonder he was a good writer.

“It’s no big, Dean. I’ve only been here a few minutes.”

Dean picked up his menu. “This place seems nice, I’ve never been here before.”

Gabriel leaned back in his chair. “Best steak in town, Deano.”

Dean glanced at the menu and his eyebrows shot up. “I’ll say, this place is pricey as fuck.”

Gabriel waved his hand. “Don’t worry about it, I’m paying. Get whatever you want.”

Dean grimaced. “I feel weird about that.”

“You can plan and pay for the next date, all right? As for right now, I’m going to get the 12 oz ribeye.”

Dean sucked in a breath. “Damn, that sounds awesome...I kind of want that too.”

Gabriel snorted. “I’m not surprised. I have excellent taste. Do you like wine?”

Dean looked embarrassed. “I don’t know. I don’t really drink it.”

Gabriel scanned the wine list and looked at Dean. “Do you trust me to pick for us? You can get a beer or something if you don’t like it.”

Dean nodded. “Sure, order away.”

They ended up getting their steaks with a bottle of expensive chianti. Dean deemed the drink ‘not bad,’ and Gabriel took that as a success. When they were halfway through their meals Gabriel put his silverware down and looked at Dean, his head tilted to the side.

“Thanks for being so cool, the other night.”

Dean’s face softened. “Gabe, it’s totally fine. I mean sure, I’m curious about the whole thing, but I get having weird things that freak you out.” Dean blushed. “I really like you, Gabe, and I don’t wanna mess this up.”

Gabriel sighed. “I don’t know how to get through to you that you didn’t mess anything up.” Gabriel’s eyes lit up. “I think I just had an epiphany.”

Dean arched an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Gabriel smirked. “Well, I do still owe you a blowjob.”

Dean groaned when he found himself slammed against a wall of Gabriel’s apartment, with Gabriel’s hand determinedly working itself inside Dean’s pants.

“God,” Dean breathed into the other man’s mouth, squirming a little when Gabriel moaned and closed his hand around Dean’s hard cock.

“You like that, Deano?” Gabriel whispered.

“Yeah.” Dean leaned back against the wall when Gabriel began trailing kisses down his neck, and gasped when he eventually landed on his knees in front of Dean and pulled open his jeans as quickly as possible. Then Gabriel paused, and looked up at Dean, a dirty look gracing his features.

“Commando? Were you expecting something?”

Dean shrugged. “Maybe. You gonna make me wait and see if I was right?”

Gabriel did not make Dean wait. Dean let out a deep moan when Gabriel took him into his mouth, deep throating right off the bat, which holy fuck, was the sexiest thing Dean had ever felt. Gabriel pulled off without warning and started to tease the head of Dean’s cock with feather light, whippy flicks from his tongue. Dean wanted to tell Gabriel how good he was at this, but he was having trouble making his mouth work. Gabriel hummed around Dean’s dick and he gasped.

“Oh God, Gabe...”

Dean really didn’t last that long. Gabriel was too damn good, and it had been too damn long. When Gabriel started going at what seemed to be an impossible speed, Dean tapped him on the head.

“I’m gonna -” Dean cut off and grunted as he came. Gabriel pulled away just in time to get his face splattered in cum.

“I’m sorry,” Dean said, looking around for a cloth, but Gabriel only laughed and wiped off his face with the sleeve of his expensive suit.

“Not a problem, big boy,” he said, grinning at Dean, “you can just pay me back in kind...”

Dean grinned and dropped to his knees.

pairing: gabriel/dean, author:vivhasarifle, genre: slash, verse: functioning bruises, fandom: supernatural

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