rasing hell 13/13

Apr 17, 2011 23:38

Title: Raising Hell (Or Not) 13/13
Author: vivhasarifle
Rating: PG-13
Genre and/or Pairing: slash, Cas/Dean, mention of Sam/OFC, AR, kid!fic, angst.
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Gabriel(ish), Sam, Bobby, OFC.
Spoilers: AR because of 5x19, and spoilers for the episode. Just to be safe this fic will probably involve spoilers to do with every episode Gabriel’s in.
Warnings: Bizarre plot? Swearing.  Fluff. So much fluff.
Word Count: 1321
Summary: Happy endings.
Notes: I’ve always wanted to write kid!fic, but I’ve never quite been brave enough. So hopefully, people will actually like this. I had intended to write a traditional Gabe!fic but…best laid plans and all that. This chapter is a little shorter than the others, but it’s pretty much just tieing loose ends together. :)

The next morning Gabe stretched, uncomfortable in his stiff clothes and ended up accidentally hitting Dean in the face.

“Mmf!” Dean rubbed at his face and sat up, staring at Gabriel.

“You came back,” he said quietly, and Gabriel nodded. Dean grabbed the young boy’s hand. “Listen, Gabe, we don’t care if you’re an angel or anything, okay? We love you and we just want you to stay -”

“Dad!” Gabriel interrupted. “I came back because I love you too, and I’m human again.”

Dean frowned. “How?”

“Yes,” Castiel’s voice came from the door, “how?”

Upon seeing his other father Gabriel leapt up and ran across the room, launching himself into Castiel’s arms.

“Hi Papa,” he breathed, “I missed you so much.”

Gabriel felt Castiel’s arms tighten around him in an almost painful way. “I missed you too, my son. I am so happy you came back.” His arms rapped even tighter around the teenager.

“Papa,” Gabriel gasped out, “Not...angel...crushing...breathe!”

Dean chuckled. “Cas, let him go. I’d kind of like if you didn’t kill him by massive hug right after he gets home.”

Castiel let Gabriel go and blushed guiltily, rubbing Gabriel’s back as he gasped for air.

“Breathing,” Gabe said between wheezes, “forgot how important that is when you’re human.”

“You must be exhausted, Gabriel.” Castiel took his hand and lead him over to the bed where Dean was still lying and made him recline onto it, before climbing on the bed next to him, leaving Gabriel between his two fathers.

“So,” Castiel said, “what happened? How is it that you have come home to us?”

Gabriel let his head fall backwards onto a pillow, finally allowing his body to succumb to the fatigue of the past few days. He took a deep breath, before looking at Castiel.

“I met our father.”

Castiel’s eyes widened. “You met...”

“God?” Dean finished Castiel’s sentence and looked at Gabriel incredulously. Gabriel nodded.

“Yeah, I was in this bar -”

“You were drinking?” Dean looked angry and Gabriel rolled his eyes.

“Not important right now, Dad. So yeah, I was in this bar and this weird guy with a laptop came up to me, said his name was Chuck -”

Dean snorted. “Chuck? Chuck Shirley? Nervous, twitchy guy?”

Gabriel nodded. “At first, yeah.”

Dean chuckled, “I hate to disappoint you, Gabe, but Chuck is just a drunken prophet, not God.”

“It was God, Dad. I’m serious. I looked into his eyes and I saw him, Dad, I swear it was -”

“We believe you, Gabriel.” Castiel said solemnly, “I think perhaps this has been our father’s greatest disguise thus far.”

“Bastard,” Dean spat, “he could have helped us all along.”

Castiel sighed. “That is not the point, Dean. So, Gabriel, you met God and he turned you back?”

Gabriel nodded. “He asked me what I wanted, and when I told him I wanted to go back I woke up by the roadside. I had to hitch a lift home with Kali -”

“Kali was there? She told me she hadn’t seen you!”

“She hadn’t yet, Dad stop interrupting!”

Castiel looked fondly at both of the before brushing Gabriel’s hair away from his face. “So what do you remember now? Do you remember everything?”

Gabriel nodded. “Yeah, but the other memories...they’ll always be important to me, because they’re part of who I am, but here is the place I want to be.”

Dean let out a relieved breath and smiled at his son. “Thanks God,” he whispered.

“Literally,” Gabriel added, a wry smile on his face.

Castiel snorted. “Gabriel, would you like some food?”

Gabriel nodded.

“I’ll fix you something,” Dean got up and stretched, before kissing his son on the forehead. “So glad you’re back, Gabe. I missed you.”

Gabriel smiled, tiredly. “Thanks, Dad. I missed you too.” Gabriel turned to Castiel. “Both of you.”

Gabriel grinned as he watched his uncle kiss his new wife at the alter, happy that Sam had finally gotten around to marrying the woman he loved. Laura’s baby bump was just barely showing, and Gabriel smiled when he saw Sam gently caress her stomach as he pulled away from the kiss. Gabriel heard audible sniffing next to him and he turned to his left.

“Grandpa, are you crying?”

Bobby scowled at his grandson. “You tell anyone and I’ll skin you alive, boy. You hear?”

Gabriel nodded, arching an eyebrow at the tears still running down the older man’s face.

The reception was a Winchester event in every way. It took place in Bobby’s salvage yard, with plenty of beer and hard rock, much to Sam’s distaste, but Dean argued that since Sam hadn’t allowed him to throw a bachelor party, he was entitled to plan the reception. Gabriel meandered up to his fathers who were leaning against on old car, watching Sam ad Laura dance to “Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing.”

“Hey guys,” Gabriel said, settlling on Dean’s left side. “Can I have a beer?”

“No.” Two pairs of eyes sot Gabriel sharp looks and Gabriel pouted.

“Awww, come on! It’s a wedding!”

“And you are thirteen,” Castiel supplied.

Gabriel huffed. “You guys are lame.”

“We’re parents,” Dean grinned, ruffling Gabriel’s hair. “I’ll tell you what, on your next birthday I’ll let you have a drink.”

Castiel narrowed his eyes. “Dean, I am not sure if that is wise, the drinking laws in this country -”

Dean snorted. “Cas, Gabriel’s right; you are lame. Want do you want to drink when you turn fourteen?”

Gabriel slipped his tongue between his lips and thought for  few seconds. “A strawberry daquiri.”

Dean’s rolled his eyes. “That’s it, kid, drinking privileges revoked. You’re not getting alcohol until you learn to like real drinks.”

Gabriel huffed. “Hello? Former Trickster? I can’t help it!”



“Aw, come on Cas, have you heard the mouth on our son? I doubt one little ‘bull’ is going to offend those virgin ears.”

Gabriel smirked. “How do you know my ears are virgin?”

Dean’s eyes widened. “They had better be virgin, Gabriel,” he growled menacingly.

Gabriel giggled. “Relax. My honor’s still in tact. Still, it’s pretty shitty -”

“Gabriel,” Castiel said, warningly.

“Sorry, Papa. It’s pretty crummy to ask me not to have sex now that I can remember just how awesome it is. I mean, I was in a  freaking porno and now all I can do is masurbate into my tube socks.”

“Oh my God,” Dean covered both of his ears with his hands. Castiel very gently pulled his hands away and kissed Dean softly on the mouth.

“Don’t worry, Dean,” Castiel said quietly, “Our son’s masturbatory tendencies are perfectly natural.”

Dean shuddered. “You know what? Screw you guys, I’m going to get a drink.”

Castiel and Gabriel watched fondly as Dean walked away.

“I’m lucky to have you guys,” Gabriel said, sounding uncharacteristically quiet. “I can’t imagine all of the shit I’ve put you through.”

Castiel put an arm around Gabriel and squeezed him tightly. “Gabriel, you came into our lives and it is the best thing that ever happened to us. You brought your father and me together, in fact I am not sure if we would ever have confessed our love if it weren’t for you, but it goes so much further than that. You taught me a whole new way to love, and believe it or not, you healed your father’s soul. He was broken before you came along and you brought light into his life.” Castiel grinned. “Our own little piece of heaven.”

Gabriel laughed. “I was just going to say that raising me must have been like raising hell.”

Castiel’s eyes crinkled as his smile widened. “No, it wasn’t like that. Well...maybe when you had colic.”

Gabriel shoved his father playfully and ran into the reception, dragging his new aunt in for a dance.

genre:slash, author:vivhasarifle, fandom: supernatural, verse: raisinghell

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