I did it over night, it couldn't happen any quicker

Aug 11, 2010 02:11

This whole looking-for-a-place business is starting to stress me out more than it should.

So far I've only viewed houses through landlords, and today was the first time I viewed a house that had an "interview" process. I don't really think the two girls I met were that thrilled with me (though of course it's hard to tell because it's not like they'd be fawning over me even if they did like me, but the more I think about it the more I realize that they didn't really ask me much about me to see how we'd click... but then again I guess that depends on what they're looking for! Sometimes interviews are just so screen out the weirdos, sometimes people want to find a friend), and now I'm trying to write an "about me" email to another house that does an interview process and I'm... just at a loss of what to say. I'm totally starting to overthink it.

This house that I saw today though, didn't even look like a student house. It was amazingly clean, and nicely renovated and bright and airy and just so nice. I guess that's the difference between houses where landlords find the tenants and houses where roommates find the tenants. Houses where the landlords are just trying to fill the rooms inevitably end up dirtier because the roommates don't care as much about upkeeping the shared home... because it's not so much a shared home as rooms in a house where everyone does their own thing. There's no feeling of responsibility to the other roommates, and no reason for respect of them, aside from your own personal values. But if everyone else is letting it deteriorate, why would you fight it? So no one does. And it gets gross.

I could probably tolerate that. I saw another house today that had an amazing room (windows on three sides - do you know how much I love natural light?! Adore. adore. Rob pointed out that it might get cold in the winter, which is true. But God I like the windows), but the kitchen and bathroom left something to be desired in terms of cleanliness (okay, they left much to be desired in terms of cleanliness), style and space. But in the two hours between the viewing of that house and the one with the interview process, I sat in a coffee shop and decided that I could deal with the kitchen and bathroom because I liked the room so much.

But my preference would probably be towards a shared home. If you have to be interviewed to get a room, you feel that sense of responsibility to your roommates - you feel as if someone, in some way, kind of has the upper hand on you and that therefore you need to be respectful of everyone else in the house.

Which is maybe why the "about me" and interview process kind of trips me up - I DO want that, and when you start bringing in "what you want" you start overthinking things and really getting your head in a mess.

I really need to find a place soon though. Time is really starting to stress me out - it's almost mid-August! I'm trying to calm myself with reminders that I don't start class till the 14th, and that since I have class only three times a week, I could easily crash in Rob's room for half of September and find a place for October, but I really just want to stop worrying about this.

But whatever, things will happen as they should. I'll keep sending emails and I'll keep viewing, and soon enough it'll work out.
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