purify the colours, purify my mind

Apr 22, 2010 21:54

So recently it's occurred to me that maybe I'd like to go on to teacher's college at the end of this whole undergrad thing and then maybe do the teacher thing. I know, oh God, right?

The idea was sparked by - and I kid you not - hearing a few soon-to-be-grads talk about how they're going on to OISE (U of T's teachers college). That's it. And then I thought, "oh shit, teacher's college!" as if I had never before been aware of its existence. And that's how the seed planted itself and I started considering the one thing that I always thought I was sure I didn't want to do.

Being a history major, that's all you hear from people who ask what you're majoring in: "history, eh? what are you going to do with that, teach?" like it's the only possible career path with a degree as seemingly useless as one in history.

(Obviously it's not. It doesn't even matter what your degree is in for the majority of jobs out there - they just want you to have a degree in SOMEthing (obviously this excludes things like medicine, or engineering, or law - but even to get into law school they don't care what you previously majored in). So suck it, B.A. haters.)

Anyway. Ever since I started considering it I've liked the idea more and more. The only thing that bothers me is that it's a sharp deviation from my previous interest in development work, and that I will have to choose one or the other and stick with it.

Then again, I had my annual review with my manager at work today, and we got on the topic of what I wanted to do in the future and she said that I could always teach afterwards. She pointed out that teacher's college is only a year, and that it's good to be a teacher AFTER you have some life experience. She has a point - the fact that you can be as young as 23 and be teaching kids already is a little scary because really, what do you even know when you're 23? Just textbook stuff, and we all know that's not the important thing.

I mean there's the argument that younger teachers are less "out of touch" with kids, but realistically, we become out of touch with kids as soon as we go through first year university because it's so radically different from grade school. But at the same time, we all remember what it's like to be in high school. It's awkward and it sucks and no one is sure of anything.

Anyway. I'm not really stressing too much about what I want to do at this point, even though I AM almost 21 and it seems like that's what everyone else around me is doing - stressing - because I know I'll figure it out. Success isn't necessarily about WHAT you want to do.

Basically I just wanted to write about how I never thought I'd consider teaching but here I am, considering it! Shit.
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