Mar 25, 2004 11:26
It's official: allergy season has begun. (sniff) I'm sniffing my head off right now, punctuated with extremely loud, wet sneezes. (sniff) Somewhere in the next couple of days I'll probably sniff so hard my nose turns inside out. At least that's what it feels like. (a...a..a...CHOO!!!!!)
So in regards to my last post, I'm feeling a little bit better about the whole situation. I talked to my Mama yesterday about it, which always makes things better, but I think I'm going to be emotionally raw the next couple of days. It doesn't helpe that I've run out of medicine so I'm chemically imbalanced which makes the problem worse - phooey! Anyhoo, Mama said that my loudness actually may be a trigger to alert me to when I am really uncomfortable. I already knew that I'm loud when I'm happy, but I hadn't put it together that I overcompensate when I'm uncomfortable and pretend to be happy and get even louder. That's a really good thing to know - maybe I won't despair just yet :)
I went to music practice last night and found out that Jeff's not going to be there Sunday, so I'll be playing for church. No problem as long as I know ahead of time. So I need to learn all of the hymns and stuff as well as prelude, offertory, postlude, and extras. No problem. They want to sing some songs that are off of lead sheets, and could I please play along with songs that have no spots on the page? PROBLEM!!!!! I don't play off of lead sheets, and they know that. Of course, that doesn't stop them from telling me that I need to learn to play off of guitar chords like Jeff can. Let me explain: JEFF IS PHENOMENAL - HE'S NOT THE NORM! I'm used to playing for churches that are excited to just have me play at all, and are amazed when I can sightread hymns. I'm really miffed that they want me to be like Jeff, 'cause it's flat not gonna happen. It doesn't help at all that Jeff's going away to grad school, so I'll probably be the only piano player for the next three years. I don't mind playing, in fact, I really do love it, but I don't appreciate being taken advantage of. Part of me wants to turn to them and say, "Well then, you learn how to do it and leave me alone!", but that's not the smart way for me to handle it. The upshot of the whole thing is, I stayed after practice an extra hour writing out the notes for the one song they want me to play Sunday. It's not Jeff by any stretch of the imagination, but I hope it works.
Don't worry - I'm going to get my medicine this afternoon, so I should be back to my abnormally perky self in a day or two :)