Jul 14, 2012 14:42
"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong"
-Murphy's Law
We've been "working" on this feature film for a few months now. The reason i put "working" in quotations is because we have not moved forward in the process at all. If anything we've gone back. People warned me that making a feature film wouldn't be easy but I didn't think it would be as ridiculous a process as it's been so far.
the frist problem that arrived is that we didn't have a story. We have about a dozens stories that have been written or in the writing process but we can;t use any of them for a multitude of reasons, either they're too expensive, one of us doesn't like it, etc.
So we have decided that as a group we would write a brand new story together, the only problem is that none of us can agree. every conversation we've had about story has gone sour, with 2 of the 3 of us ending up in an argument, the arguments have become so bad that one of the members of the group has completely decided to eliminate himself from the project.
Now theres 2 of us, no money, no story, nothing...
Overall this process has been more hassle than anything. It really makes me think, do we keep struggling to make this? Do we give up? Will this even work out? Is it all a waste of time?
My gut is saying don't give up, it's telling me to put everything I got into this project. When times are tough like this I like to think back to some of my heores who started out doing the same thing i'm doing, and I think about how much they probably struggled before accomplishing anything. I mean i can't complain, I've barely suffered, look at people Like Chris Nolan (The Dark Knight, Inception) he struggled for 11 years before anything happened, and he had a wife and kids...
I guess this is one of those points were the world breaks down people and gets rid of the people who can't handle the pressure and struggles early on. the path to Hollywood isn't gonna be easy and not all of us can make it...Who will survive? Will I?