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Sep 08, 2009 20:44

The britney spears concert is in 13 days! Kayla comes in 12 days. I'm super excited! 
I got a sony Alpha230 last night. For those of you who are like HUH? whats that? its a DSLR camera that is compared next to the canon rebel.
I love it so far but really wanna take photos of people and not just my dogs. It takes amazing photos! 
Anyways Halloween is coming up and john and i are at a lost for costumes. I really wanna be a ringleader but we will see how funds let us celebrate halloween.
I'm still in the market for a job. Tomorrow I need to take my filled out 4th batch of applications and get them back to the stores I applied too. I really hope I start recieving calls eventually. But in El Paso you never know.
I keep seeing lightening out the corner of my eye at the window but then I say nah! my brain is just playing tricks on me, UNTIL I hear the thunder. The weather has been really enjoyable lately. I almost slept with the windows open last night but probably have one or two more weeks before we get to enjoy that. I can't wait for the first cold front of the year!
Speaking of weather, we got some family help for our decision on trying to get Fort Riley. We have an Uncle (John's uncle) who lives about 30 minutes outside Manhattan, KS. He was statoined at Fort Riley and also has top connections to get us into a unit that won't deploy. Double CHECK PLUS. Also he said we could enjoy all four seasons, there is a lake near by. I'm just really looking forward to School and interning! I can smell the bouquets of pencils and fresh textbooks! Now I need to also work on applications to KSU & possible other places like AU & UTSA (for the hopes of TXST again! and their AMAZING food nutrition program!!!). I think those will be our choices (well John's but I'm included) 1. Fort Riley Manhattan, KS 2. Fort Sam Houston San Antonio, TX 3. Fort Benning Columbus, GA (i'm thinking if he picks that route we might be pulling a Mrs. Emanuel move) My mom went to college but then ended up taking full time work, met my dad, got married, had babies, and when i was in Elementary about 3rd grade went back to school and got her associates in admin, then bs in business mngmt, and then her ms. all 17 years after her first trip to college. I really don't want that but I'm sure I could make SOMETHING work. I am praying for Riley or SamH.

WAtching a lot of HGTV is really making me wanna look more into realestate, but im thinking renting might be the way to go for atleast a year. Then consider it just so we can see if we really wanna make a commitment for a house, and if he wants to get out. I dunno if I would wanna reside in Kansas. Georgia yea, kansas i dunno....RAWR! location location location...this is making my head spin!
Change of subject....

Also on my list tomorrow is to make a fake meat substitiute, a Break bowl in possible various sizes, Tortilla soup, and Stragonoff. Also to return the applications, visit the Desert botanical gardens to take photos with my crafty 75mm-300mm lens! and maybe some of john and i, and to cook a hearty home cooked dinner yet again. *john and i challenged each other to cook dinner at home for the whole month* I like to plan reciepes as he doesn't. Which calls for the question "Whats for dinner?" I now give my mom a huge apology for the torment i must have put her through in all the years all the way until i left and still now for asking the famous question over and over and over again.

Growing up....*sigh* make it stop.

And photos from the amazing camera!

Our little photo shoot we had today

my new favorite shirt

i love his kisses even though his breathe smells!

looks professional huh!?

i liked this...even though its weeds!

they were making out!


he is crying, awww...(blurry)

all halloweveish until he stands up and you see how fat he is!

Men wanna roll around in boobs, Bailey wants to roll around in green indistructable bouncy balls.
(almost put wants to roll around in balls....then i thought about it)
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