Birthdays and Stuff

Dec 07, 2004 22:35

December is a HUGE birthday month. I know a lot of people who have B days in December and I also know a lot of people who know a lot of people who have B days in December. I wonder why it's such a common date...maybe March is a big month for sex and getting pregnant, I mean apparently it is. Anyway, I will try to remember everybody's B day this month, but in case that falls through, happy birthday to you if yours is this month. Mine is in a few weeks and I really can't believe it. 23, wow. I honestly couldn't imagine myself turning 23 about 10 years ago, and those 10 years flew by, and now here I am, at the dawn of my 23rd B day. I guess I feel "on schedule" for 23, so to speak. I mean, there is no standard schedule- everyone should be on and follow his or her own schedule that works well for him or her. As for me, I feel as though I'm identifying my goals and working toward them while having fun and leaving the doors open for new possibilities. What more can one really do? It looks as though I will be teaching beginning in January. The only tough part is having to make a decision as to where I want to be temporarily, because I have several excellent options, gracias a dios! I got pretty lucky, but I also worked my ass off in school and expanded my horizons in as many ways as I possibly could, and I think that's as asset when applying to jobs. I was told by the CT public school system that being able to teach both French and Spanish is HUGE and makes me very employable, so I'm excited. I've gotten some pretty good offers so far in terms of job searching. I just want it to be over so I can relax and mentally settle in to the idea of a specific job and location. Anticipation is a bit tiring and anxiety-producing, but I'll get through. I'm also really looking forward to graduate school. It will be a lot of work, but I think most of it will be enjoyable for me, because after the first few semesters I'll really be able to focus on my personal interests, of which I have several, so I'm good in that department. Probably the hard part will be picking and choosing exactly what I want to do for my dissertation (although I have a pretty good idea). Having multiple interests is definitely a blessing and curse, but I'm going to look at is as a blessing for now. I definitely rely on having many interests for my own mental health- it's just who I am and how I get a sense of myself. All right, have a good night! Ciao!
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