musings...part of a short story

Jan 28, 2010 21:46

      I lay awake in bed, unable to sleep.  I glance across the room where the alarm clock sat, softly humming.  The glowing numbers, illuminating part of the room, told me that it was 4 AM.  I only had about four more hours until I had to be up and showered for work...damn.  I just couldn't fall asleep for some reason.  I kept flashing back over the past few days.  So much had happened in such a short period of time.
     Fast forward several hours - work went by slower than I had hoped for.  My boss was a total jackass, as usual.  He has a tendency to run his mouth and over-criticize everyone and everything.  He's a pompous ass, and one day I hope to be there when he gets knocked off his high horse.


That's all I have so far. Comments and criticisms are most welcome! :)
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