Jul 23, 2009 16:45
So I'm pretty sure I have dermatitis herpetiformis (a big symptom of celiac) and they misdiagnosed it as PLEVA. I just did a google image search for it (don't do this if you have a weak stomach, by the way) and some of the pictures look exactly like what I had. I bring this up now because I ate some Rally's fries this weekend (found out they are battered) and my skin broke out mildly, which means I just got a few peely spots on my fingers.
This pisses me off because not ONE doctor EVER thought of mentioning the possibility of celiac or gluten intolerance, despite the fact that I was always being diagnosed with common symptoms (anemia, skin problems, gastrointestinal problems, weight problems, anxiety problems) combined with northern european ancestry (irish, norwegian, german). I would still be suffering to this day if I hadn't started keeping a food diary, noticed I felt bad after eating bread and pasta(stomache-aches), pancakes and pizza(always made me nauseous), and searched online for problems relating to eating those products.
Every doctor simply said, "You have _(symptom)__, here's your bill, now go on your merry way." They never wanted to ask, WHY do I have this symptom? In fact, the average amount of time it takes for someone to be diagnosed with Celiac Disease is TEN YEARS!!!! I can't imagine how horrible the next ten years would be for me if I was still suffering, eating everything that made me feel bad. I would have wasted ten years of my life feeling horrible, not experiencing anything good. From my junior-senior years in high school to my 2nd year in college (4 years) I had no energy, tiredness, anxiety. I couldn't believe how good I felt after I went gluten free. I was able to enjoy life. So please, if you suffer from anything similar, please get yourself checked out.
I'm done with my rant (for now), thanks for listening.