Mar 13, 2012 09:33
So my mother brought home Daffodils. This is something she does every spring. She put them in a glass and stuck them on the table behind the couch.
Now, if you've never had Daffodils in a vase, just know that they can bloom fast. As in closed one day, open the next.
Soooo last night I watched Friday's episode of Ghost Adventures (Shanghai tunnels of Portland, OR) and the special episode of The Dead Files (ghosts of Alcatraz! \o/) while I seamed up a sweater.
Midnight rolls around and it is really quiet in the house. Then from right behind me, I hear the sound of paper rustling.... Yeah, there's only one other person in this house and she was sound asleep. I've just finished watching ghost hunting/contacting programs and there's an unexpected noise behind me. I didn't scream. I never do. I just turned my head reaaaaaaaaaaal slow like...
That's when I realized that you can actually HEAR those fucking Daffodils break through the papery skin that surrounds the fucking flowers! I can't even begin to tell you how much swearing I did when I realized that.