"The Winds of Change"

May 22, 2011 14:00

Title: "The Winds of Change"
Rating: NC-17 but this part PG
Pairing: Yunho/Sungmin (main), Changmin/Siwon, Kangin/Leeteuk, Joon/Thunder
Warnings: AU
Word count: 1,922 this part
Summary: Some things change for the better but that doesn't mean that life is all sunshine and roses in the real world.
A/N: This continues a year after " I'll Be Your Private Dancer..." This part WAS basically an introduction. However life has changed for me and I just can't write any longer. Maybe once life settles down again. Thanks to ithilmenel for the beta and frayen for the idea that started it all.

”Two wounded and one killed in a deadly shoot out that ended just one hour ago…”

The news report kept playing over and over in his head and that only caused Sungmin to pace the apartment even more. They actually had footage too. It was just a few seconds but those few seconds were enough to send terror through Sungmin’s heart. It would have been fine had he not actually seen Yunho there. He didn’t have to see his face to know that body was his boyfriend’s. It didn’t matter how blurry or far away in the shot. He knew it as well as he knew his own name.

He kept trying to tell himself that Yunho was OK. There had to be a reason that Yunho wasn’t answering his phone. He was smart and good at his job. He had people there to look after him too. People that Sungmin had met many times and became quite close with as well.

The wall around Changmin had been hardest to knock down but Sungmin had done it. All it took was proving to the other man that his feelings for Yunho were genuine. He wasn’t just out to use Yunho like Changmin had thought. He felt like he proved that quite well when it took him such a long while to even agree to move in to Yunho’s apartment. Since that time, Sungmin had actually made it on the list of those Changmin was fiercely protective. That feat wasn’t something to make light of either.

Then there was Siwon that seemed to be the nicest person alive. He had wondered just how Siwon had possibly gotten and succeeded in this line of work. However, that was something that Yunho had explained quite well. He still had a very hard time imagining Siwon being ‘mean’ to anyone. It just didn’t seem possible. If Siwon felt even the least bit lenient toward whomever he was dealing with, his partner Heechul was quick to let Siwon know that he was being an idiot. Sungmin remembered Yunho telling stories about such times and that only caused his heart to constrict painfully with worry. He wanted to hear that laugh, see that smile on his face and he wanted it right now.

What the hell had happened to Sungmin that he was like this anyway? A year ago and he most definitely would have never been worried about anyone but his closest friends. Even then, he never would have thought that he would care so much about another person that he felt physically ill. He would have laughed if you had told him that he would be practically wearing the carpet down from his pacing. This was most definitely not the old Sungmin. This was the brand new Sungmin that was so head over heels in love with such a good man that he didn’t know what to do with himself on most days.

His mind flickered through their mornings together, breakfast, dinners, the nights out either alone or with their friends. He thought of every moment of their relationship together and refused to even so much as believe that it could all be over because of some asshole or assholes could have possibly hurt his boyfriend. No. Yunho was fine. He was. “He’s fine!” Sungmin yelled out defiant to those grim thoughts in his head.

He had been halfway on his pace back away from the front door when he heard the key in the lock. A key. That could only mean one thing and it caused his heart to hammer within his chest. Sungmin literally held his breath as the door opened and only released it when a very tired looking Yunho came through it.

Sungmin was on him in an instant. He didn’t care that Yunho had barely closed the door and maybe made it a foot inside the apartment. Sungmin was right there pressing up close to him, hands running over him checking. He was just looking for anything that could tell him if his boyfriend was actually there complete and whole. His hands pushed his t-shirt up to see nothing but the fit and perfect body underneath it. There wasn’t as much as a scratch on him much to Sungmin’s delight.

“You couldn’t wait to feel me up until I was all the way in?” Yunho teased with a bit of a tired laugh.

“You’re OK?” Sungmin’s hands reached up to frame Yunho’s head within them. “You weren’t answering your phone and I thought for sure that…” Sungmin trailed off as he leaned up to kiss Yunho, wrapping his arms around him in the process. “Why didn’t you answer your phone?” he said the very moment that the kiss ended. His face held quite the look of utter and complete confusion. It didn’t last for long because he just couldn’t keep himself from kissing and hugging onto Yunho in an even tighter grip.

“It never rang.” Yunho told him as he reached into his side pocket for his phone. He didn’t try to get out of Sungmin’s grip in the least. Instead, Yunho left one arm wrapped around him and for that Sungmin was thankful. He saw Yunho looking a bit sheepish when his eyes returned to Sungmin. “Looks like I forgot to charge it last night.” He said holding up the phone for Sungmin to see that it was dead.

Sungmin still couldn’t seem to let go of him just yet. Even if he knew that he was OK and there wasn’t a thing wrong with Yunho, he still couldn’t let go. He certainly wasn’t going to be the least bit upset about something anyone could have done. “It’s OK,” he said as he just rested his body against Yunho’s. His arm tightened a moment around his waist to give him a bit of a squeeze. “I’m just glad you’re alright.” Sungmin said in a bit of a quieter voice.

“How did you even know?” Yunho finally asked with a bit of confusion on his face. His head lowered just a bit to press his lips against the top of Sungmin’s head.

“The news had this report on the shoot out.” He stated looked up at him with his chin resting against Yunho’s chest. He smiled a bit more when he went on, “I saw you there on some of the footage.” He paused a moment with a bit of a laugh before going on, “I didn’t have to see your face. I’d know that ass anywhere.”

Sungmin had just barely gotten those words out of his mouth before Yunho was laughing softly at them. “Well I have caught you studying it quite a bit before.” His hands moved up to cradle Sungmin’s head within them. “You think you’re so slick sometimes but you can’t fool a cop. I notice everything.” Yunho said the last two at a whisper even, his face brought in close to Sungmin’s.

Sungmin wanted so much to remain this happy but worry hit him all over again when his brain seemed to catch up with everything else. “But wait, they said that someone died and two others were injured.”

This seemed to bring the tired expression back on Yunho’s face as the smile melted into a more serious expression. “Siwon was injured blocking a shot aimed for Changmin. He’s fine though. He just had to have a few stitches in his shoulder.” Yunho was quick to get all of the details out before Sungmin could get any more distressed about the situation. “The other guy that got hurt was from another unit helping us out. He’s gonna be fine too, from what I’ve heard. Just has to stay overnight at the hospital.” Yunho laughed a bit, “Sounds like they were trying to get his partner to go home for the night but he sounded like he was worse than Heechul.”

“He was worse than Heechul? Impossible.” This all seemed to pacify Sungmin enough that his hold let up on Yunho a little. “I don’t know what I would have done…” he started out only to have Yunho shush him.

“Don’t you know I have too many people watching my back for anything to happen to me? Besides,” Yunho grinned, “They know they’d have hell to pay from you if anything did. They’re all scared of you. Well, except for Heechul.” He said with a laugh and brought a tiny smile to Sungmin’s face in the process. It was kind of amusing to think about them being scared of him and his temper.

“Come on, I could use something to eat.” He said as he reached down to take hold of Sungmin’s hand. “My cooking is shit and you know how much I love yours.” It was a bullshit of an excuse but Sungmin would take it. There was no way that he was going to let Yunho out of his sight. Not tonight.

The moment that they were in the kitchen, Sungmin went about preparing as many of Yunho’s favorite dishes as he could. It was halfway through cooking that Sungmin fully realized that Yunho was really using all of this as a pretty good distraction technique. It was working because he didn’t feel quite as frantic as he was about twenty minutes ago.

Glancing back at Yunho sitting and watching him, Sungmin chuckled. “What is it? You’re making me nervous.” He said before his eyes went back to the food. The last thing that he wanted to do was make a mess of things and have to start over again. Perfection when it came to Yunho was the only thing that Sungmin would allow for. He really had changed quite a lot and then some since he had been with Yunho. A change of work environment was the smallest of those changes. Sungmin felt like they were all good so he didn’t complain.

“Nothing, I was just thinking about something Changmin had said last week.”

Turning the heat down on the stove, Sungmin turned fully toward Yunho. “What about?” Yunho definitely had his attention and always did when he brought up things Changmin had said. Maybe there was still a little bit within Sungmin that still wanted to win the man over even if he already had.

Yunho moved from his seat to cross the kitchen until he stood in front of Sungmin. His hands slid over Sungmin’s hips before they rested just there. “He was talking about just how married the two of us practically were.” His thumb brushed just underneath Sungmin’s shirt to touch skin. “How much happier I’ve been and the fact that I’m an even better cop now. I don’t take such stupid risks anymore.” The last thought was said with the sound of amusement in his voice.

“You think that’s true?” Sungmin asked looking up at him a bit curious about his thoughts.

“Yeah, I actually do.” Yunho leaned down to press a kiss to his lips all soft and lingering. “Guess I have something better to live for now than just the job.” His nose brushed against the side of Sungmin’s neck as he lowered his face downward.

“You’d better,” was the only thing that Sungmin said before giving his ass a bit of a playful swat. “Now go sit before I screw up our dinner.”

“Yes, dear.” Yunho teased as he let go of the other man and did as he was told. His eyes still did not move too far away from Sungmin’s form as he cooked.

verse!private dancer, fic

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