"We got the afternoon. You got this room for two."

May 15, 2011 10:14

Title: "We got the afternoon. You got this room for two."
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: WonKyu
Genre: Fluffy Smut (LOL)
Warnings: Sexual situations
Word count: 2,808
Summary: Siwon has a surprise for Kyuhyun.
A/N: For my very lovely friend ithilmenel! I hope you enjoy it, Love! Special thanks to frayen for being my beta. ♥

It amused Siwon just how Kyuhyun seemingly tried to bury himself further into the bedding the closer that time got to his alarm going off. Kyuhyun honestly didn’t need an alarm with how in tune his body clock was with the time. Little did Kyuhyun know that their schedules had changed for that morning. He wouldn’t have to get yet up if he didn’t want to. Siwon had already reached across and turned off Kyuhyun’s alarm so that he could get some much needed sleep. Still it was fun to watch him halfway wake to only groan out and curl his entire body inward, disappearing underneath the sheets inch by inch.

The last time that he had woken up, Siwon merely turned onto his side toward Kyuhyun after discarding his newspaper. He had already read the important parts anyway and Kyuhyun was far more entertaining for him.

“Stop it.” Came a voice from the lump beside of Siwon. Eyes flicked open for a moment underneath the fringe of dark bangs, “I can feel you staring at me so hard I can’t go back to sleep.”

With that, Kyuhyun seemed to bury himself that much further under the blanket, to the point that only his hair was sticking out from underneath it. That only made Siwon laugh and give the blanket a tug to pull it back from Kyuhyun’s head.

“I’m only watching because one day you’re going to suffocate yourself.” Siwon had somehow managed to keep a straight face when saying it. It was a rather difficult process due of the way Kyuhyun’s hair was all over the place. Then there was the fact that Kyuhyun tried to look like he was going to probably murder Siwon in his sleep. He tried to look that way but failed miserably, just like always. Plus Siwon knew for a fact that Kyuhyun would never intentionally harm him at all, so that didn’t help matters in the least.

When it seemed that the glare wasn’t going to deter Siwon, Kyuhyun reached for the blanket again and pulled it completely over his head. Siwon let him think that he was going to leave him be for just a moment or two, just long enough to hear asigh come out of Kyuhyun’s mouth, a sigh that signalled he was completely comfortable once again. Once he heard that, Siwon shifted until he slid back under the covers, blankets tossed over his head as well. Siwon shifted until his body was right there against Kyuhyun’s.

“I take back every nice thing I have ever said about you. You’re not nice. You’re not a gentleman. You’re evil.” Kyuhyun muttered out without even opening his eyes at all. “Worse than me.”

“You love me.” Siwon said with confidence.

“You’re still evil.” Kyuhyun muttered. “But at least I can make use of you.” Moving over, Kyuhyun laid half on top of Siwon and half on the bed. “You’re not moving now. Now you have to stay right here in bed with me.”

“Until your alarm goes off.” Siwon told him not bothering just yet to offer the fact that it wasn’t on anymore. Not to start with at any rate.

“Until my alarm goes off.” Kyuhyun agreed as he closed his eyes and snuggling in closer to his boyfriend.



A grin spread back across Siwon’s face when he spoke, “I turned your alarm off.” This caught Kyuhyun’s attention right away. He lifted his body up to look down at Siwon with the blanket still covering them up. Except now it was like a tent and Kyuhyun was the only thing holding it up in the middle. His eyes were slightly wide until Siwon spoke again, “We don’t have to do anything until this afternoon.”

A hand smacked Siwon’s chest before returning back to Siwon’s chest to hold Kyuhyun up. “Then why are you waking me up? I could be sleeping right now.”

“You could be.” Siwon said in agreement as his hands slid around Kyuhyun’s hips. In one fluid movement, he had Kyuhyun laying back down on his back again with Siwon’s body hovering just over him. Part of the blankets twisted around them but most slid to Siwon’s lower back leaving his hair sticking up in odd angles. “Or you could spend your morning awake with me.”

He saw Kyuhyun’s mouth twitch but he really only thought that had to do with Kyuhyun wanting to argue. So many times he just knew Kyuhyun would ‘argue’ with him just to simply argue. He could tell that he was in agreement with what he had said but Kyuhyun just couldn’t leave things be. No, Kyuhyun had to at least pretend that he didn’t agree to keep up that appearance. It amused Siwon to think that as well as he knew Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun still felt like he had to try and act in the ways that were expected of him. So really, he couldn’t be blamed for thinking this was one of those times. However instead of arguing, Kyuhyun’s hand lifted to slide his fingers through Siwon’s hair putting it back into a somewhat of a normal fashion.

“It’s hard to take you seriously when your hair is all over the place.” Kyuhyun said softly as he stared up at Siwon. His fingers remained curled into the hair at the back of his head as he pulled Siwon down to him.

Siwon felt like he would be a complete idiot to not give into his boyfriend when he knew where it was all going. He may be a lot of things but an idiot, he was not.

“All you had to do was ask, you know?” Kyuhyun smiled before he closed that bit of space between them pressing a kiss to Siwon’s lips. It was soft and gentle in a way that had Siwon wanting to sigh against Kyuhyun’s lips. Kyuhyun just had that way about him that he could have Siwon’s brain melting into nothing but mush with just a kiss. He absolutely knew that Kyuhyun was aware of that too. It was impossible to hide the way that Siwon reacted to those kisses. Not that he wanted to hide. Oh no, Siwon was an open book when it came to Kyuhyun. Everything that he might want to know about Siwon was wide open to him. It had been that way from the beginning of their relationship to right now.

It was clear that this was only meant to be one soft kiss and that would just be that for now. Siwon thought that Kyuhyun would want to go right back to sleep again and this time, Siwon would let him. It’s true that it may have started out with one little kiss but it was clear that it wasn’t going to end with just that. With the way that Kyuhyun held onto him, it was pretty clear that he was into this for more than just one simple kiss.

Siwon’s hand slid up over Kyuhyun’s side as he deepened the kiss. He wanted to feel every single inch of Kyuhyun and he was determined to do just that. Siwon wouldn’t rest until he had done what he wanted. Siwon knew that Kyuhyun was far from complaining about it too. If Siwon knew his boyfriend the way that he did, he knew that would very much encourage those thought processes further.

As Siwon’s mouth moved from Kyuhyun’s lips and on down over his chin, his hands mimicked that action back down over Kyuhyun’s body. His thumbs hooked into the waist band of Kyuhyun’s boxers as he heard that moan come tumbling out of Kyuhyun’s mouth. The sound was like the most beautiful piece of music that Siwon had ever heard and in turn caused him to moan out against Kyuhyun’s neck. Siwon’s hands weren’t stopping as they worked on pulling Kyuhyun’s underwear further down his thighs. It was all made easier with Kyuhyun’s hips lifting up just so in assistance.

It seemed like that movement was enough to wake Kyuhyun up further and have him too pushing his hands down the back of Siwon’s underwear and pushing as far as he could reach. “You. Naked. Now.” The words came out of Kyuhyun’s mouth but there were pretty unnecessary since it seemed he couldn’t wait for Siwon to do anything about it. Instead of waiting, he merely lifted his legs up enough to where he could push the offending clothes down and off with his feet.

Siwon let out a chuckle while lifting his head back up to claim Kyuhyun’s lips with his own. “In a hurry now?” he asked even if he was so far from complaining, nor was his body now complaining. In fact, his body was really very OK with the nakedness as he now rested against an equally naked Kyuhyun as well. It was enough to bring another groan out of Siwon’s lips once their bodies came into full contact.

It seemed like Kyuhyun was back to wanting to melt every single brain cell that Siwon had left because the moment he was able to even sort of think, his hips rocked up against his own. “What are you waiting for?” he asked as he pulled Siwon down into a passionate kiss. It wasn’t as if Siwon wasn’t with the program, it just seemed like Kyuhyun was on a faster program than Siwon was following. It was safe to say that Kyuhyun was very much wide awake now and far from complaining about that too.

When the kiss ended, Siwon pulled away from Kyuhyun just long enough to pull out a condom and some lube for the nightstand. Even then, Kyuhyun was right there making it so much easier on Siwon as he pressed kisses along the back of his shoulder and up to a rather sensitive part of his neck. He nearly dropped the lube when Kyuhyun’s lips touched his neck, but in the nick of time clasped his fingers around the bottle a bit tighter.

“You’re going to be the death of me one day.” He said as he dropped the condom onto the bed beside of them. He didn’t waste much time though in getting several of his fingers well covered with the slick substance. If he didn’t, he knew that once more, Kyuhyun would be there, being oh so helpful once again. It was insane how the other man could make Siwon crazy so quickly.

Kyuhyun grinned upward at Siwon as he settled back onto the bed comfortably. “Maybe so but you’ll enjoy every second of it.” He stated with nothing but absolute confidence. That was something that Siwon couldn’t disagree with him on. No matter how he looked at it, Siwon would always enjoy anything that Kyuhyun might do to make him crazy in the best of ways.

Even as the younger pulled him back in for a blistering kiss, Siwon’s hand slid between the two of them, shifting Kyuhyun’s legs enough to slide one finger ever so slowly inside of Kyuhyun. Siwon purposely took his own sweet time in doing so to tease the other man as much as he could. It was satisfying hearing Kyuhyun groan out against his lips in the process too. Nipping at Kyuhyun’s lower lip Siwon asked, “Good?” even if he already knew the answer. They had done this enough times that Siwon knew exactly how to please Kyuhyun even with his eyes shut. Kyuhyun’s moan when Siwon moved that finger in and out of him was answer enough for him.

It didn’t take long until one finger became two and then three. By the time that he knew Kyuhyun had barely gotten used to the third, Kyuhyun’s fingers were pressing in hard on Siwon’s shoulders. “Now. Want you right now.” Kyuhyun whimpered out, his eyes staring straight into Siwon’s. It was easy to see just how needy that he was and Siwon honestly wasn’t too far away either. He had wanted to push inside of Kyuhyun long ago. He had wanted it but there was no way he would ever allow himself to hurt Kyuhyun even slightly.

With one more kiss, Siwon moved to shift back to settle onto his thighs. He had meant to put the condom on right away, but he had barely gotten the wrapper ripped open when his eyes seemed to want to have a fest of their own. It wasn’t his fault that Kyuhyun looked so damn good all spread out like he was. The look in his eyes as well as the way that his hair was tousled, it was all so gorgeous to him.

Siwon would have probably stared a moment longer if it hadn’t been for Kyuhyun’s quiet groan. “Not moving fast enough.” Kyuhyun stated as he shifted just enough to wrap a bit of his leg around Siwon’s body. “I need you now. Stop teasing me.” There was a bit of a pout in Kyuhyun‘s voice that made Siwon chuckle.

“I’m going to remind you of this when you start teasing me.” Siwon said with a slight shake of his head. He didn’t take long from them though in sliding the condom on and getting a bit more lube as well. Siwon’s eyes travelled over Kyuhyun’s body even as he moved his own body back up to get into position.

Pushing into Kyuhyun was always a bit of a surprise to Siwon. It was like he forgot just how good it felt being one with him until that moment. He had thought so many times that he would be contented to just be on an island with him and Kyuhyun alone, making love all day long. It was just so good and so perfect every single time. Even those times that it was just one side closer to desperate than love making, it was always mind blowing.

Kyuhyun’s fingers pressed firmly into Siwon’s upper arm so strong that he just knew there would be bruises there later. Siwon couldn’t have cared less in the least little bit because they would be marks from Kyuhyun’s enjoyment. Reminding marks that he had made Kyuhyun feel good enough to make them. It caused Siwon to let out yet another moan of pleasure. “Oh God, Siwon…” he moaned as his back arched upward.

It was moments like this that Siwon wished he could see the two of them together from an outsider’s perspective. He knew that Kyuhyun looked so gorgeous as it was but he couldn’t keep from thinking that the two of them locked together in a lovers embrace would be even more amazing.

There was only a pause just long enough to relax and get used to the intrusion before Siwon started to move in a slow easy pace. He wanted this to last as long as he could have it. He wanted to slowly build up that fire within Kyuhyun’s body until he exploded with a cry of Siwon’s name on his lips. He wanted all of that and more.

Siwon’s fingers twined into Kyuhyun’s hair as they moved together in a slow dance that they had perfected. As much as he could, Siwon tried his best to keep his eyes focused on Kyuhyun but there were moments that he just had to lean in and kiss the other man. He had to taste everything that he had to offer and then some. It was those kisses that seemed to intensify the closer that they got to the edge.

“Don’t stop…” Kyuhyun all but demanded as he wrapped his legs around Siwon’s waist tighter. Stopping was the last thing on Siwon’s mind at the moment. There could be a lot of things happening outside at this moment but neither of them were aware of it with just how lost they were to one another.

Eventually though it had to come to an end even if neither of them wanted it to. With a few final thrusts of Siwon’s hips, he came rather closely behind Kyuhyun. It was that feeling of increased tightness around him from Kyuhyun’s muscles caused his world exploded behind his eyes.

“You can stare at me any time you want.” He heard Kyuhyun say close to his ear, breathless. It brought a smile to Siwon’s lips and gave him a little burst of energy to move off of Kyuhyun for now. Siwon didn’t get very far though as it seemed Kyuhyun didn’t want to be fully parted from him.

“Stay,” was all that Kyuhyun said as he wrapped his arms around Siwon’s body.

“Should clean up a bit, you’ll be complaining.” Siwon stated with warmth in his tone.

“I’ll get over it. Stay.” He stated again, only this time he brought one leg around Siwon’s body in an attempt to drive his point home.

Who was Siwon to argue with that?

fic, one-shots, my ceci, ship : wonkyu

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