OOC: Contact!

Sep 16, 2015 15:32

Want to get a hold of me for whatever reason? Maybe you want to give me some constructive criticism on how I play Scout? Or, maybe you just want to plot something? Here's how to do it!

If you want to talk to me anonymously, you can comment on this post. IPs won't be logged, comments will be screened by default, and you don't have to post under an LJ account, so don't worry about me finding out who you are. That said, don't be unnecessarily mean. If you are, I can and will delete your comment, and if it keeps up, I will turn anon commenting off.

My AIM is REDScoutonFire, however, I RARELY SIGN ON UNLESS ASKED TO. So please, PM me or comment here if you would like me to sign onto AIM.

Speaking of PMs, I like 'em! Use that feature if you'd like, please! I'll respond as soon as I can.

Finally, I have jumped onto the Plurk bandwagon. I am at DANGER -- please feel free to add me!

I'm very friendly but shy, so I usually don't message anyone first! That said, please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason if you want to!

ooc: contact

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