Spending spree!

Aug 30, 2009 18:24

For the first time ever in my life, I've paid useing three differnt curreancys in one day. Before it was only two. But, since I worked on cleaning my room up today (loads more work to do on that front...) I've handled something around 8 today :)

Bought my shirt.woot! shirt - United States Dollar
Paid martoufmarty for some DVDs and a book she sent me (thanks again! You rock!) - Canadian Dollar
Sponsered Eddie Izzard on his run 'round the UK - British Pounds Sterling

Let's see if I can recall the nationalities of what's in my room off the top of my (without getting up and looking, for then I will get distracted and waste a few hours). All are coins (bills are annoying to keep track of for souvenirs), but I'm giving the term for the "whole" amounts (dollars, not cents) even if I don't a "whole unit" coin: United States dollar, Canadian dollar, Colombian peso, Mexican peso, German euro, British pound sterling, and Israeli shekel. There's more, but I can't recall them. Dad's bringing some more home too, which will be wicked :)

Speaking of dad: Apparently he got a job offer while he was in Sierra Leone, and he got to meet the Vice President of Sierra Leone. Cool stuff!

Not only that, but with the aid of the US Coast Guard ship, Sierra Leone was able to get their FIRST case for breaking fishing laws! Other countries (mostly SE Asia) have been fishing illegally in their waters for years, but they had no training to deal with. That, my friends, is why the ship went over there!

With the help of the USCG crew, they boarded around 20 ships. Most were clean and law abiding (but still good practice for how to search.) One ship was caught red-handed. They had been illegally poaching tuna - to the tune of 150-160 tons! That's a LOT of fish, and a LOT of money! The Sierra Leone government confiscated the boat and is planning on fining the other government (where the boat was from). They're keeping the boat too. HUGE win for Sierra Leone!

Oh, and he visited a chimp sanctuary while he was there. Apparently, they threw rocks (lots of 'em) at him (big ones, the size of grapefruit). He described them to me as "brats" :P

Fives days 'til MHC! Woot!

donation, souvenir, military, purchase, uscg, money, dad, international

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