I totally bought this!

Aug 30, 2009 15:10

This shirt is made of utter win :) Seriously.

Everybody now! *sings*

Wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round
'round and 'round
'round and 'round
The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round
Allll through the towwwwnnn!

People on the bus go up and down
Up and down
Up and down
The people on the bus go up and down
Allll through the towwwwnnn!

*stops sings waaaay out of key* Get it? It's total win, is it not?!

For thoes who don't know Woot!, first of all, I'm sorry, for it is made of win. Woot! is a "deal of the day" site. There a random one (seriously random, sometimes TVs, sometimes basketballs, sometimes an iron, sometimes it's a mystery - grab bag - what they will send you) and that's regular Woot!; the stuff on Woot! can sell out wicked, wicked quick depended on the deal (goes up at midnight, and sometimes sells out by 1AM). Then there's shirt.woot! which is a different shirt each day (designed by various people, mostly geeks and graphic design artists. They run different contests with various themes, then people vote for what they would and wouldn't want as a shirt.) There's also wine.woot!, which is different wine, but that one changes each week, not day.

Anyways - woot! (all of them) always have really clever, witty, snarky, humorous, and random product descriptions (followed by serious one which give the specs in a straightforward way.)

Here's what they wrote for this shirt:

    Water in the tub drains to the right
    To the right
    To the right
    Water in the tub drains to the right
    Allllll through the towwwwwwn

    Baby’s action figures bounce up and down
    Up and down
    Up and down
    The baby’s action figures bounce up and down
    allllll through the towwwwwwn

    Evil hitchhiker says “Stop or die.”
    “Stop or die.”
    “Stop or die.”
    The evil hitchhiker says “Stop or die.”
    Allllll through the towwwwwwn

    Breast-feeding mothers say “It’s our right!”
    “It’s our right!”
    “It’s our right!”
    The breast-feeding mothers say “It’s our right!”
    Allllll through the towwwwwwn

    Infinity Gauntlet’s master says “I am supreme.”
    “I am supreme.”
    “I am supreme.”
    The Infinity Gauntlet’s master says “I am supreme.”
    Allllll through the towwwwwwn

    Deadly skull-faced robot says “Chhhhh-haaaaaa.”
    The deadly skull-faced robot says “Chhhhh-haaaaaa.”
    Allllll through the towwwwwwn

    Wear this shirt: to support increased attention for our society’s public transportation needs.

    Don’t wear this shirt: and expect that it automatically gives you the right of way.

    This shirt tells the world: “Who takes the freakin’ bus after they get the Infinity Gauntlet? That’s so unrealistic. I hope people get fired over that.”

    We call this color: C’mon, Baby, Take A Chance With Us, And Meet Me At The Back Of The Royal Blue Bus

See, clever and witty :) I think the first and third verses are my favorite :D

I can't wait 'til I get it! *jumps up and down* (Pun intended!)

purchase, funny, shirt

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