Random annoyance.

Jul 10, 2009 00:34

You know what annoys me? (well, one of the things anyways...)

When something gives/asks for weight in grams/kilograms. That's not weight!!!

Pounds are weight. Ounces are weight. Newtons are weight.

Grams (kilo- etc) are NOT weight. They are mass!

Pounds:Newtons as Slugs:Kilograms.

Yes, in case you didn't know, the imperial (AKA, the effed up system the USA uses) unit for mass is a "slug"... which is weird. Even more weird, the "small" version of that is the "slinch" (slug-inch) also called a "blob"... I mean, come on! Are we trying to get all the other countries to laugh at us?!?!

Mass times acceleration (almost always gravity) is what gives weight. Thus, you have a different weight on the moon. However, if you "massed" yourself, it would be the same.

*Sigh* Now that I've taken general physics, mistakes like this annoy me... also, I'm yet to go through a day without thinking about a physics equation!

random, math, geek, rant, physics

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