Dar Williams!

Jul 09, 2009 00:09

One word: AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes, that many exclamation points is required!)

Let's put it this way: you know are singer/bands will record a track multiple times, then pick the best parts and put it together for the CD? I think they picked the worst one to put on the CD, but it's NOTHING compared to her live!

It was in this big (well, biggish...) church. We sat on the balcony in the back corner, which had great acoustics (in my uneducated opinion...)

She sangs loads of songs, including two of my all-time-favs from any band/singer (they're defiantly in my top 20!) which is "When I Was a Boy" and "Are You Out There?" They're fantastic. And she told stories about them while she was tuning, so we got to know the background behind each song, which was fantastic :)

We also got to talk to her after the show! And we only slightly cornered her to do it as well! We told her she just had to come to Northampton/Hadley and play a gig there for the colleges! ("Mount Holysmokes") She said she would love to, but the colleges often don't want the "small people" to play; Amelia and I are already plotting!!!

We also told her that we'd grown up listening to her (the past decade) and loved her music. She told my mom (with a laugh) that she did a great job raising us. We all three then thanked her for playing "We Learned the Sea" which is about sailors. We told her what dad's doing right now, and she was absolutely thrilled that the military is helping other countries by teaching them ways to do things, without running in and saying "You're way is wrong, this is how to do it!" (For examples, see: Middle East.)

Also, Thai food was awesome! And I normally hate Thai food, but the pineapple fried rice was delicious!

All in all, amazing night! I'm in such a good mood, and so relaxed right now. I didn't realize I wasn't happy before, nor that I was stressed, but now that I'm not, I can tell that I was!... okay, that sentence got away from me, oh well!

Night :)

fun, happy, music, concert, rl

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