EEK! A mouse!

May 30, 2009 21:31

I went into the bathroom to use the toilet; I was about to sit down when something in the bathtub moved! There was a mouse in the tub, and it freaked me out!

It wasn't the mouse itself that freaked me out; the mouse was adorable, but the fact of how did a mouse get into the bathtub?

There's nothing near the tub, so it must have either crawled up the show curtain, or jump 18" straight up... and it was a tiny little thing.

We let it go in the yard; the poor little thing was so confused and scared! It finally went off into the bushes, but I still feel sorry for the little thing!

Also, cat FAIL!!!! That mouse must have been in there for at least an hour or so, trapped and unable to leave, and the cat did nothing! I knew she had gotten lazy in old age, but she used to kill voles in Kodiak all the time!

The dog was more interested, at least I think. Earlier today she kept showing interest in one corner of the living room. She went and laid down when I told her too, but kept watching that spot. I'm guessing that the mouse was walking around over there.

eek, dogs, wildlife, rl

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