Meme of sorts :)

May 04, 2009 13:22

I remembered having done this as an "ice breaker" before, and it's rather fun :) Slightly different from the "original" versions, where you only list three due to the fact it would take to long otherwise!

List fourteen weird, cool, bizarre, strange, or amazing things about yourself. List one FALSE thing. Mix them up, so that the false fact is placed amongst the true facts. Post the list and have your friends try and guess the false fact! The more bizarre the facts, all the more fun!

My List:
  1. I have been mistaken for the American Ambassador by multiple times
  2. I didn't notice when I broke my rib
  3. People tend to be shocked when they find out how old/young I am
  4. I have had snipers, secret service, and visibly armed guards and police on duty for my and others' protection
  5. If the water is over 55F, then it's, in my opinion, warm enough to go swimming in
  6. I have never had hypothermia
  7. I have had heat exhaustion
  8. My life has been saved by a horse
  9. I would be happy living in a cabin with no running water or indoor bathroom
  10. I have never broken the law, but have used loopholes many, many times
  11. I love painting my nails different colors
  12. I've been to 46 of the 50 states
  13. I've lived in 8 states, but moved 16 times
  14. I have permanently dyed my hair bright pink before
  15. Most of my favorite TV shows are educational, such as documentaries, and have been since I was four

Guess the lie! First one to guess it wins!

Also: I have a paper due in three and a half hours which I have not even started on... ttfn *write likes a maniac*

random, moving, rl, school, meme

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