Another you know your a geek when:

May 01, 2009 14:48

Yeah... you know, I don't even know why I bother anymore... everyone who knows me knows I'm a geek!

Anyways, lets see what's been super-geek in the past few days!

1) I was sitting in the cafeteria at the college yesterday morning and a friend dropped by and to say hi. Well, the other person who was sitting nearby got involved in the conversation because said friend asked if there was any new SGU news. So the three of us spent about an hour talking about geek stuff and the military. After my friend left for class, me and the other person talked Stargate. He decided I must be exaggerating on what a fan I was, and the fact that I'd seen all episodes multiple times. So he quizzed me... and I got most everything right (missed two!) And some were rather obscure... and I would normally answer it before he fished asking the question *lol* Here's some of them:

- "In an episode Sg-1 go to a diseased planet and reas-" "A little girl named Cassandra in Singularity."
- "In the Broca Divide they g-" "A planet, half light half dark, where there's a histamine-alytic disease that turns people primitive and semi-Neanderthal like."
- "What is the name of Teal'c's son?" "Rya'c"
- "Name Teal'c's trainer and how old he is in season 3" "Bra'tac and... 137?" "Name's right, but he was 173" "So that's one missed" [I've since looked it up, he was SOOOO wrong!!! I was close... he was 138 in season 5!]
- "On which planet was Hathor's sarcophagus found?" "Earth. Latin America really, in a Maya temple... I think it was in Mexico."

It went on like that for about ten minutes. The other one I missed was I had a bran-fuzz on the kid that Jack befriends on Abydos (he couldn't recall the name of the planet, I named it,) I knew it started with an S and was close to "scarab" but couldn't spit out Skaara... overall the guy was EXTREMELY impressed... even said he was sorta sad he already had a girlfriend O.o


2) When you clean off your bedside table and find the following book/publications:
- My Friends the Wild Chimpanzees Jane Goodall
- Long, Lost, Dark Teatime of the Soul by Douglas Addams.
- Contact by Carl Sagan (yes, that Carl Sagan!)
- A book about Nikola Tesla
- Two books on Richard Feynman
- An astronomy text book... and I've never taken an astronomy class
- A book on ancient monuments and stone circles in the UK
- A sorta spoof on music history (it's really good actually, and VERY funny. Bach, Beethoven, and the Boys by David W Barber)
- A dictionary
- A medical handbook that is about more than 60 years old... well, printed then.... it was written in 1910! It's Backwoods Surgery and Medicine by Charles Stuart Moody. It's falling apart, cost $1.25, hardbound, when it first sold, and it no longer accurate (quote: "... God smiles, he may not developed septic fever.") but it still a fascinating read!
- Four issues of National Geographic magazine
- Three issues of WIRED magazine
- Three issues of Smithsonian magazine
- Harry Potter 3, 4, 5, and 6. I've been rereading the whole series (I've read all of them once before... I don't like rereading books because I remember them near-perfect the first time through) and as I come across something I reference on of the other books because I noticed a clue or something :) (My mom and I have also been listening to them on MP3 on the way to and from school, we're about 3/4 of the way through #3)

My bedside table isn't all that much emptier... most stayed.

3) I made cookies for your physics class:

The Professor thought they were awesome, as did everyone else... they're all begging me to make some for the final! I didn't tell people at first that they were gluten-free, as it tends to scare people off. After they had been eaten though, everyone thought it was amazing that they were made with rice, potato, and tapioca :D

4) After begging the professor, then begging someone who can drive to get the dry ice, I FINALLY got to see the cloud chamber experiment; something I've wanted to see for the past three years, ever since my mom told me about it!

By creating a supersaturated atmosphere (using alcohol) and adding an alpha-radiation source you can see the trail left by alpha-particles! Don't worry, it's perfectly safe: alpha-particles are stopped by the first thing they hit, even tissue paper! The trails seen are created by something disrupting the atmosphere and creating suspended liquid particles: just like a plane leaves a cloud trail in the sky!

That's out radioactive source: a sewing needle that had been dipped in a source material, which I belive he said was lead-212.

Wicked cool, huh?

I'm a geek, eh?

OH! And I got an 87 on my physics test!!! Woohoo! Go me! It would have been higher, but there was a fire-drill partway through and I got distracted from my train of thought as we evacuated the building; when we got back to our test 10 minutes later I was just staring at my paper wondering where I had gotten that number from...

But I'm still wicked happy about my grade :)

reading, test, physics, cooking, school, stargate, geek, books, rl, college

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