Yeah, so after laying in bed for an hour, and failing at the whole "sleep" thing, I got up to work on a drawing idea that came to me.
I've got the outline done! If you ask me, it's really good. I'm not an amazing artist... but if you work at anything for two hours, and own an eraser, it'll look semi-decent!
Anyways, it's a horse's head, and my head (self-portrait) in profile. I drew it all out of a 2"x2" grid. I'm going to make all the squares look like puzzle pieces (with "tabs" in and out of each other, but keeping them all basically the same size.) This is my stencil (Yes, I've spent 3 hours working on an outline/stencil which I'm just going to cut up!)
After cutting out each piece, I'm going to trace them onto the paper for the drawing. So of them "assembled" other laying off to the side.
Yeah... so it's a self-portrait (with a horse,) that's going to look like a half-finished puzzle. Does that make sense? Oh, and it's all pencil. Don't think I've ever said this:
I ♥ my 2H pencil! It's made of total win and awesome! I'm still learning to keep my pressure light; the 2H leaves a lighter mark behind than a normal HB pencil. I'm avoiding my B-6B pencils... I'm not good enough to use them yet! Way too dark of a mark left! I might add it in at the very, very end, but for now my good friends are HB, 2H, and 4H ♥
Yeah.. so "not calling asleep" was *looks at clock* four hours ago?! Huh... wonder if I'll be able to sleep now if I go back to bed. Might as well try, eh? Worst case scenario, I get up again and keep working on this drawing.
Oh, and I finished my fic for the
Farewell to SGA Ficathon for which I'm late! *eep*
Life's been crazy psychotic lately, and I send many apologies to
wildcat88 for the tardiness! In the morning... later in the morning... I'm going to look it over once more to catch plotholes/typos then send it off to be betaed! Thanks again
wildcat88 for the prompts and being patient!
Right... 0340... a might late/early, eh? *goes to bed*
Grr! So many icons would fit this... alas only one may be posted... this will have to do!